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Area Studies Microforms

Area Studies microforms collections are those collections which pertain to a specific region and/or country. Collections are grouped by region, and within region, alphabetically by country. Be sure to check listings for both the general resources and the

France. Ministere des Colonies. Rapport Du Gouvernement Francais A L’ Assemblee Generale Des Nations Unies Sur L’ Administration Du Cameroun Place Sous La Tutelle De La France, 1921-1938.

New York: Andronicus, 1972
2 reel(s)

In World War I, French and British troops occupied the Cameroons. After the war the territory ceded in 1911 was rejoined to French Equatorial Africa, and in 1919 the remainder of the Cameroons was divided into French and British zones, which became mandates under the League of Nations. While France occupied the country, the Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres issued annual reports. Subjects include slavery, travel, arms and munitions, demographics, maps, and more.

Title varies. A table of contents appears at the beginning of each annual report.

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Great Britain. Colonial Office. Cameroons Under United Kingdom Administration 1920/21-1938.

New York: Library of Congress for Andronicus, 1972
2 reel(s)

In 1922 the League of Nations awarded mandates to the French and British over the German protectorate of Cameroon. The British were given jurisdiction over the western section of the territory. Beginning in 1922 the lieutenant-governors of Nigeria, as administrators of the areas within the British sphere, prepared reports for submission to Parliament, and, in later years, for submission to the League of Nations. Reports discuss the status of the territory, international relations, administration, public finance, taxation, trade statistics, legal questions, police, prisons, defense, arms, education, slavery, labor, religion, public health, land tenure, forestry, agriculture, mines, population statistics, public works, and marine affairs.

The title varies. A table of contents appears at the beginning of each annual report. Paper copies for 1922 to 1923 and 1925 to 1938 are in Annex I (J805.N15).

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