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Ellis Old and New

Second Floor - west side

University Archives, Collection C: 1/83/15

North is at the top.

Room 202, (left) which had been the Reserved Book Reading Room in 1955 becomes the Language and Literature Reading Area.  In the north and south part of the room walls are put up for seminar rooms and the niche area between Room 202 and the General Reading Room, are partitioned for small study rooms. Offices are located close to the 2nd floor hallway. The circulation desk that had been near the entrance to the west stacks is removed. 

The walls for seminar rooms at the south end of 202 still exist.  In 2014, Room 202 was used by the departments like Financial Aid and the Cashier while Jesse Hall was being renovated, but before that the seminar rooms housed Classics, Romance Languages,and English books, reminders that it once was the Language and Literature Reading Area.

The walls of seminar rooms and the study rooms at the north end were taken down years ago, perhaps in 1985 when the area libraries were consolidated. 

Room 201, (top) which had been the Reference Room in 1955 becomes the Education Reading Area. The area south (below) Room 201, which had been the delivery desk and catalog room, is totally reconfigured. The Delivery or Loan Desk is removed and the space broken up into seminar rooms, study rooms, and study areas. It is probably when the wood paneling on the east and west walls is removed. The Delivery Desk and also the circulation desk in Room 202 are removed because the stacks are open and can be browsed by students. 

Near the West Stairs, the old seminar room has been divided into four offices. These offices remained until 2015, when they were gutted and preparations were made for the Research Data Center.

Second floor - east side

University Archives, Collection C: 1/83/15

For the first time in forty-two years the door on the east side of the General Reading Room can be opened. To the east of the door is the Sociology Reading Area. The study rooms and seminar room 2E21 shown in the plan still exist.

The offices 2D31/32 near the women's bathroom have been removed, but you can still see their mark on the linoleum floor. The south part is used as the Business and Public Administration Reading Area. The Seminar Rooms on the south still exist and can be reserved for group study.  The book lift, near the door to 2 Central can still be seen, but is no longer operational.