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Ellis Old and New

Future Site of Ellis -- 1907

Special Collections, Ellis Library Sanborn Maps for Missouri  Columbia, Missouri December 1908 #14

This is a 1908 view of the site where the library would be built. At that time it was mostly residential. Lowry Hall is in blue.  Lowry Ave (now Lowry Mall) runs in front of the future library up to Hitt Street. Conley Ave runs behind the library site to Hitt Avenue.  The present day Speaker's Circle is located at the intersection of Ninth and Conley.  

 Larger view   In the larger view you can see Read Hall and the State Horticultural Building, now Whitten Hall, both in blue across Hitt Street. The State Agricultural Building is now called Waters Hall. The buildings marked as "State Agricultural Farm Buildings" and everything within the thick black lines are an inset and do not reflect that the space was vacant.