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Ellis Old and New

Third floor plan


University Archives, Collection C: 1/83/15

We now call this 4th floor, but in 1936 it was considered the 3rd. On the south (top in the plan) is the language library (again, probably for graduate students). There were two doors to the stacks from the library, but they have been walled off. The third entrance (the lowest)  to the West Stacks is still there. In the middle of the floor there are small conference rooms on the east (left) and larger conference rooms on the west (right). All these rooms remain the way they were constructed, but they are used by Special Collections as offices or as rooms housing microfilm and microfilm readers and printers.  

  At the north end (bottom) is a large seminar room. In 1937 it was used a the Art Exhibition Room. Later it was used by Manuscripts. Today Special Collections occupies this space.


Room -----

This is view of the south room. The two doors to the 4 West Stacks have been walled over. The 4 West Stacks have been walled off and are used by Special Collections to house materials, but if you could get it, you would see the walled off doors. 

South Room



This is a view of the south room looking to the west.  The cases hold newspapers on microfilm.  


This is a view of the hallway on 4 West. At the end of the hall (south) is room 406, which was used as the Language Area in 1936. The rooms in the hallway have different uses now, but they have not altered or remodeled.

Room 404

Like most of the rooms on 4 west, this one is now used to house microfiche.