Ovid is a company that we buy many databases from. So MEDLINE and Zoological Record - these are both databases that we buy from the same company. That means you can add things to EndNote the same way. You can tell that a database is an Ovid database if it has the Ovid logo in the top left.

- Search normally.
- Check the check boxes to the left of the references you want to save.
- Click on Export (in the top center of the bar along the top of the results).
- Choose to export to EndNote.
- Under Select Fields to Display, choose Complete Reference. This will save the most information about the reference in your EndNote Library.
- Click "Export citations."
- Select "Open." Depending on your browser, this may look different, but you will want to choose to "open" with EndNote or with ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper.
- Your results will open in EndNote and be saved in your EndNote library.
Mac Users: If you are having difficulties, use a browser other than Safari or try one of these methods.