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Linked Tales

Lang Fairy Tales by Country

The country / origin of the tale is taken from the website  Andrew Lang's Fairy Books  which also has translations of the tales.
The casual user should be aware that not all the tales in Lang Fairy Books are fairy tales / folk tales There are several
stories from Hans Christian Anderson. A Voyage to Lilliput is from Swift's Gulliver's Travels.

Tales labelled Unattributed, were not given a country or origin by Lang.

Lang Fairy Book by Country

African Jackal, Dove and Panther 56, 56C, 56D Pink
African Little Hare NA Pink
African Nunda, Eater of People 550 Violet
African Story of a Gazelle 545B Violet
African Story of Halfman 122F, 1119, 1121 Violet
African Story of Hassebu NA Violet
African Death of Abu Nowas and of his Wife NA Crimson
African Motiratika NA Crimson
African Daughter of Buk Ettemsuch 405A* Grey
African Jackal and Spring 55 Grey
African Mohammed with the Magic Finger NA Grey
African Story of Dschemil and Dschemila 313 Grey
African Udea and Her Seven Brothers 451 Grey
African Heart of a Monkey 91 Lilac
African One-Handed Girl 706 Lilac
African Samba the Coward NA Olive
African Adventures of a Jackal NA Orange
African Adventures of a Jackal's Eldest Son NA Orange
African Adventures of the Younger Son of Jackal NA Orange
African Clever Cat NA Orange
African How Isuro the Rabbit Tricked Gudu NA Orange
African Magic Mirror NA Orange
African Rover of Plain NA Orange
African Story of the Hero Makoma from Senna NA Orange
Arabian Nights Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 561 Blue
Arabian Nights Forty Thieves 676 Blue
Arabian Nights Story of Prince Ahmed and Fairy Paribanou NA Blue
Armenian Clever Weaver NA Olive
Armenian Golden-Headed Fish 551 Olive
Armenian He Wins Who Waits NA Olive
Armenian Steel Cane 779 Olive
Armenian Story of Zoulvisia NA Olive
Belgian? Six Sillies 1229*, 1384, 1450 Red
Bukovina Death of Sun-Hero NA Yellow
Bukovina Flower Queen's Dauther 300 Yellow
Bukovina Giants and Herd-Boy NA Yellow
Bukovina Hazel-Nut Child 700 Yellow
Bukovina Snow-Daughter and Fire-Son NA Yellow
Catalan Sprig of Rosemary 425A Pink
Catalan Water of Life 707 Pink
Catalan Wounded Lion 444* Pink
Catalan Girl-Fish NA Orange
Chinese Story of Hok Lee and the Dwarfs NA Green


Danish Esben and the Witch 327B, 328, 1121 Pink
Danish Fir-Tree NA Pink
Danish Flying Trunk NA Pink
Danish Goblin and Grocer NA Pink
Danish Hans the Mermaid's Son NA Pink
Danish I Know What I have Learned NA Pink
Danish Maiden Bright-Eye 480 Pink
Danish Master and Pupil 325 Pink
Danish Merry Wifes 1406 Pink
Danish Peter Bull 1675 Pink
Danish Princess in the Chest 307 Pink
Danish Shirt-Collar NA Pink
Danish Snow Man NA Pink
Danish Snow-Queen NA Pink
Danish Troll's Daughter 302 Pink
Danish White Dove 313 Pink
Danish Story of the Emperor's New Clothes NA Yellow
Danish Green Knight 510 Olive
Danish Prince and the Princess in the Forest NA Olive
Danish Magic Book 325 Orange
Danish Ugly Duckling NA Orange
English Voyage to Lilliput NA Blue
English Story of the Three Bears 171 Green
English Comb and the Collar NA Olive
Estonian Child Who Came from an Egg NA Violet
Estonian Grateful Prince 313 Violet
Estonian Headless Dwarfs 326 Violet
Estonian Tale of the Tontlawald NA Violet
Estonian Underground Workers NA Violet
Estonian Young Man Who Would have his Eyes Opened NA Violet
Estonian Dragon of the North 300 Yellow
Estonian Tiidu Piper 566 Crimson
European Biter Bit 1539 Green
European Magic Swan 571 Green
Finnish Gifts of the Magician NA Crimson
Finnish Six Hungry Beasts 20, 20B, 37, 56A, 1310C Crimson
Finnish How Brave Walter Hunter Wolves NA Lilac
Finnish Little Lasse 700 Lilac
Finnish Raspberry Worm NA Lilac
Finnish Sea King's Gift NA Lilac


French Drakestail 715 Red
French Enchanted Canary NA Red
French Golden Branch NA Red
French Graciosa and Percinet NA Red
French Little Good Mouse NA Red
French Nettle Spinner NA Red
French Princess Mayblossom NA Red
French Princess Rosette NA Red
French Ratcatcher 570* Red
French True History of Little Golden Hood 333 Red
French Princess Minion-Minette NA Pink
French Little Green Frog 550 Yellow
French Wizard King NA Yellow
French Beauty and the Beast 425C Blue
French Blue Beard 312 Blue
French Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper 510A Blue
French Felicia and the Pot of Pinks NA Blue
French Little Thumb 327B Blue
French Master Cat, or Puss in Boots 545B Blue
French Prince Darling NA Blue
French Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess NA Blue
French Story of Pretty Goldilocks 300 Blue
French Toads and Diamonds 480 Blue
French White Cat 402 Blue
French Wonderful Sheep 425 Blue
French Yellow Dwarf NA Blue
French Blue Bird 432 Green
French Dirty Shepherdess 510 Green
French Enchanted Ring 560 Green
French Enchanted Watch 560 Green
French Fairy Gifts NA Green
French Golden Blackbird 550 Green
French Heart of Ice NA Green
French Little Soldier NA Green
French Prince Featherhead and the Princess Celandine NA Green
French Prince Narcissus and the Princess Potentilla NA Green
French Prince Vivien and the Princess Placida NA Green


French Rosanella NA Green
French Snuff-Box 560 Green
French Sylvain and Jocosa NA Green
French Donkey Skin 510B Grey
French Fairy's Blunder NA Grey
French Goblin Ponty NA Grey
French Story of Fair Circassians NA Grey
French Story of the Queen of the Flowery Isles NA Grey
French Brownie of the Lake NA Lilac
French Castle of Kerglas NA Lilac
French Four Gifts NA Lilac
French French Puck NA Lilac
French Groac'h of Isle of Lok NA Lilac
French Lost Paradise NA Lilac
French Stones of Plouhinec NA Lilac
French Story of a Very Bad Boy 1539 Lilac
French Blue Parrot NA Olive
French Punishment of the Fairy Gangana NA Olive
French Satin Surgeon NA Olive
French Story of Little King Loc NA Olive
French Frog and Lion Fairy NA Orange
French White Doe 898 Orange


German Brother and Sister 450 Red
German Golden Goose 571 Red
German Marvellous Musician 151 Red
German Mother Holle 480 Red
German Rapunzel 310 Red
German Snowdrop 709 Red
German Three Dwarfs 403B Red
German Twelve Brothers 451 Red
German House in the Wood 431 Pink
German Three Brothers 301 Pink
German Princess Who was Hidden Underground 870 Violet
German Iron Stove 425A Yellow
German Nixy 316 Yellow
German GooseGirl 533 Blue
German Hansel and Grettel 327A Blue
German Rumpelstiltzkin 500 Blue
German Snow-White and Rose-Red 426 Blue
German Tale of a Youth Who Set Out to Learn What Fear Was 326 Blue
German Trusty John 516 Blue
German Allerleiraugh, or the Many-Furred Creature 510B Green
German Crystal Coffin 410 Green
German Golden Lads 555 Green
German Golden Mermaid 550 Green
German Jack My Hedgehog 441 Green
German Jorinde and Joringel 405 Green
German Little One-Eye, Little Two-Eyes, and Little Three-Eyes 511 Green
German Prince Fickle and Fair Helena NA Green
German Puddocky 402 Green
German Riddle 851 Green
German Spindel Shuttle and Needle 585 Green
German Story of a Clever Tailor 850 Green
German Story of the Fisherman and his Wife 555 Green
German Three Dogs 300 Green
German Three Musicians NA Green
German Three Snake-Leaves NA Green
German Twelve Huntsmen 884 Green
German War of Wolf and Fox NA Green
German White Snake 673 Green
German Dog and Sparrow 58 Grey
German Little Gray Man 301 Grey
German Street Musicians 130 Grey
Greek How the Dragon Was Tricked 328 Pink
Greek Golden Crab 425D Yellow
Greek Seven-Headed Serpent 300 Yellow


Hungarian Glass Axe 313 Yellow
Hungarian Grateful Beasts 613 Yellow
Hungarian Boy Who Could Keep a Secret NA Crimson
Hungarian Eisenkopf NA Crimson
Hungarian Gold-Bearded Man 502 Crimson
Hungarian Lovely Ilonka 408 Crimson
Hungarian Lucky Luck 460B Crimson
Hungarian Prince Who Would Seek Immortality NA Crimson
Hungarian Shepherd Paul 301 Crimson
Hungarian Story of Seven Simons 513B Crimson
Hungarian Strong Prince 590 Crimson
Hungarian Tritill, Litill, and the Birds 401A Crimson
Icelandic Story of Sigurd NA Red
Icelandic Hermod and Hadvor R NA Yellow
Icelandic Prince Ring 444* Yellow
Icelandic Witch in the Stone Boat 403 Yellow
Icelandic Cottager and His Cat 1651 Crimson
Icelandic Horse Gullfaxi and Sword Gunnfoder NA Crimson
Icelandic Rogues and Herdsman NA Crimson
Icelandic Three Robes 403 Crimson
Icelandic Geirlug the King's Daughter NA Olive
Indian Jogi's Punishment NA Lilac
Indian Billy Goat and the King 670 Olive
Indian Diamond Cut Diamond NA Olive
Indian Dorani NA Olive
Indian Fate of the Turtle 225A Olive
Indian Five Wise Words of the Guru NA Olive
Indian Grasp All Lose All 776 Olive
Indian Kupti and Imani NA Olive
Indian Long-Bow Story 1920 Olive
Indian Snake Prince 425A Olive
Indian Thanksgiving of the Wazir NA Olive
Irish Black Thief and Knight of Glen NA Red
Irish Fairy Nurse 476* Lilac
Irish Wonderful Tune NA Lilac
Irish Adventures of Covan Brown-Haired NA Orange


Italian Catherine and Her Destiny 938 Pink
Italian Cunning Shoemaker 1539 Pink
Italian Don Giovanni de la Fortuna 361 Pink
Italian Golden Lion 860A* Pink
Italian How the Hermit Helped to Win the King's Daughter NA Pink
Italian King Who Would have a Beautiful Wife NA Pink
Italian Story of Ciccu 569 Pink
Italian Two Brothers 303 Pink
Italian Frog 402 Violet
Italian How the Beggar Turned into Count Piro 545B Crimson
Italian How to Find Out a True Friend NA Crimson
Italian Paperarelloo 314 Crimson
Italian Cannetella 900 Grey
Italian Goat-Faced Girl 900A Grey
Italian Ogre 563 Grey
Italian Simpleton 513 Grey
Italian Story of Bensurdatu 301 Grey
Japanese Cat's Elopement NA Pink
Japanese Slaying of Tanuki NA Pink
Japanese Sparrow with Slit Tongue 480 Pink
Japanese Uraschimataro and the Turtle 681 Pink
Japanese Envious Neighbor NA Violet
Japanese Maiden with Wooden Helmet NA Violet
Japanese Monkey and Jelly-Fish NA Violet
Japanese Schippeitaro 300 Violet
Japanese Two Frogs NA Violet
Japanese Crab and Money NA Crimson
Japanese How the Wicked Tanuki was Punished NA Crimson
Japanese Magic Kettle NA Crimson
Japanese Stone-Cutter 555 Crimson
Lapp Andras Baive NA Orange
Lapp How the Stalos Were Tricked 328 Orange


Lithuanian Three Princes and Their Beasts NA Violet
MidEast Bronze Ring NA Blue
Native American Boy and Wolves or Broken Promise NA Yellow
Native American Dead Wife NA Yellow
Native American In Land of Souls NA Yellow
Native American Adventures of an Indian Brave NA Orange
Native American Mink and Wolf NA Orange
Native American Owl and Eagle NA Orange
Norwegian Bushy Bride 403 Red
Norwegian Dapplegrim NA Red
Norwegian Farmer WeatherBeard 325 Red
Norwegian Kari Woodengown 510A Red
Norwegian Minnikin NA Red
Norwegian Seven Foals NA Red
Norwegian Soria Moria Castle NA Red
Norwegian Master Thief 1525A Red
Norwegian Three Princesses of Whiteland NA Red
Norwegian East of the Sun and West of the Moon 425A Blue
Norwegian Master-Maid 313 Blue
Norwegian Princess on Glass Hill 530 Blue
Norwegian Why the Sea is Salt 565 Blue
Oceania Fish Story NA Lilac
Pathan Goldsmith's Fortune NA Orange
Pathan Story of the King Who Would See Paradise NA Orange
Polish Crow 425N Yellow
Polish Glass Mountain 530 Yellow
Polish Three Brothers NA Yellow


Portuguese Prince Who Wanted to See the World 313 Violet
Portuguese Clever Maria NA Crimson
Portuguese What Came of Picking Flowers 552 Grey
Portuguese False Prince and True NA Lilac
Portuguese Rich Brother and Poor Brother 1534 Lilac
Pushto Moti' NA Lilac
Pushto Foolish Weaver 1693 Orange
Romanian Enchanted Pig 425A Red
Romanian Voice of Death NA Red
Romanian Boys with Golden Stars 707 Violet
Romanian Fairy of Dawn 551 Violet
Romanian Girl Who Pretended to be a Boy 884B Violet
Romanian Stan Bolovan 1049, 1060, 1063, 1115, 1149 Violet
Romanian Little Wildrose NA Crimson
Russian Wonderful Birch NA Red
Russiann Lute Player 888 Violet
Russiann Two in a Sack NA Violet
Russiann Flying Ship 513B Yellow
Russiann Story of King Frost 480 Yellow
Russiann Witch 327 Yellow
Russiann Witch and Her Servants 550 Yellow
Russiann Hairy Man 502 Crimson
Russiann To Your Good Health! 858 Crimson
Russiann King Kojata 313 Green
Scandinavian Jesper Who Herded the Hares 570 Violet
Scandinavian Enchanted Wreath 480 Orange
Scandinavian Pinkel the Thief NA Orange
Scandinavian Two Caskets 480 Orange
Scotland History of Jack Giant-Killer 300 Blue
Scotland History of Jack Giant-Killer 328 Blue
Scottish Red Etin 300, 303 Blue
Scottish Black Bull of Norroway 425A Blue
Scottish Battle of Birds NA Lilac
Scottish BelievingHusbands 1406 Lilac
Scottish Brown Bear of Norway 425A Lilac
Scottish Enchanted Deer NA Lilac
Scottish Hoodie-Crow 425A Lilac
Scottish King of Waterfalls NA Lilac
Scottish Shifty Lad 1525D Lilac
Scottish Three Crowns NA Lilac
Scottish How Ian Direach Got the Blue Falcon NA Orange
Scottish Ian Soldier's Son NA Orange
Scottish Story of Manus NA Orange


Serbian Enchanted Knife 576 Violet
Serbian Finest Liar in the World 1920 Violet
Serbian Goat's Ears of the Emperor Trojan NA Violet
Serbian Nine Pea-Hens and Golden Apples 400 Violet
Serbian Story of Three Wonderful Beggars 461 Violet
Serbian Prince and Dragon 302 Crimson
Slavic Death of Koshchei thee Deathless 552 Red
Slavic Snowflake 703* Pink
Slavic Laughing Eye and Weeping Eye, of the Limping Fox NA Grey
Slavic Long, Broad, and Quickeye 513 Grey
Slavic Unlooked-for-Prince 313 Grey
Slavic Three Treasures of Giants 569 Orange
Spanish Half-Chick 715 Green
Spanish Bird of Truth 707 Orange
Spanish Fox and Wolf 32, 34 Orange
Spanish Princess Bella-Flor NA Orange
Spanish White Slipper NA Orange
Swedish Bird 'Grip' 550 Pink
Swedish. King Lindorm 433B Pink
Turkish Boy Who Found Fear at Last 326 Olive
Turkish Madschun 577 Olive
Turkish Silent Princess 898 Olive


Unattributed Jack and the Beanstalk 328 Red
Unattributed Norka 301 Red
Unattributed Twelve Dancing Princesses 306 Red
Unattributed Man without a Heart 303A Pink
Unattributed History of Dwarf Long Nose NA Violet
Unattributed How a Fish Swam in the Air and a Hare in the Water NA Violet
Unattributed Mogarzea and His Son NA Violet
Unattributed Virgilius the Sorcerer 331 Violet
Unattributed Alphege or the Green Monkey NA Yellow
Unattributed Blockhead-Hans 853 Yellow
Unattributed Blue Mountains 301A Yellow
Unattributed Cat and Mouse in Partnership 15 Yellow
Unattributed Donkey Cabbage 566 Yellow
Unattributed Dragon and His Grandmother 812 Yellow
Unattributed Fairer-Than-A-Fairy NA Yellow
Unattributed How Six Men Travelled Through the Wide World NA Yellow
Unattributed How to Tell a True Princess 704 Yellow
Unattributed Invisible Prince NA Yellow
Unattributed Magic Ring 560 Yellow
Unattributed Nightengale NA Yellow
Unattributed Six Swans 451 Yellow
Unattributed Steadfast Tin-Soldier NA Yellow
Unattributed Story of about a Darning-Needle 2029 Yellow
Unattributed Story of Big Klaus and Little Klaus NA Yellow
Unattributed Swineherd NA Yellow
Unattributed Thumbelina NA Yellow
Unattributed Tinder-Box 562 Yellow
Unattributed White Duck 403 Yellow
Unattributed History of Whittington 1651 Blue
Unattributed Little Red Riding Hood 333 Blue
Unattributed Sleeping Beauty in the Wood 410 Blue
Unattributed Terrible Head 898 Blue
Unattributed Brave Little Tailor 1640 Blue
Unattributed Water-Lily. Gold-Spinners 407 Blue
Unattributed Colony of Cats NA Crimson
Unattributed Language of Beasts 670 Crimson
Unattributed Niels and the Giants 304 Crimson
Unattributed Story of the Sham Prince or Ambitous Tailor NA Crimson
Unattributed Treasure Seeker NA Crimson


Unattributed Enchanted Snake 425A Green
Unattributed Story of Caliph Stork NA Green
Unattributed Three Little Pigs 124 Green
Unattributed Bear 510B Grey
Unattributed Bobino 671 Grey
Unattributed Fortunatus and his Purse 566 Grey
Unattributed Herr Lazarus and the Draken 1049, 1115, 1149, 1640 Grey
Unattributed Impossible Enchantment NA Grey
Unattributed Janni and the Draken 300 Grey
Unattributed Magician's Horse 314 Grey
Unattributed Partnership of Thief and Liar 1654 Grey
Unattributed Prunella 310 Grey
Unattributed Story of the Three Sons of Hali NA Grey
Unattributed Sunchild 898 Grey
Unattributed Twin Brothers 303 Grey
Unattributed White Wolf 425A Grey
Unattributed Bones of Djulung NA Lilac
Unattributed Jackal or Tiger? NA Olive
Unattributed Strange Adventures of Little Maia 700 Olive
Welsh Escape of Mouse NA Lilac
Welsh Lady of Fountain NA Lilac
Welsh Winning of Olwen NA Lilac