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Linked Tales

Folktales of Mexico / Paredes

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AT numbers assigned to stories can come from the author of the collection or from Ashlimann's
 A Guide to Folktales in the English Language.

Anything not assigned an AT number has NA, for "not available" or "not assigned." 

Tale AT
All Priests Go To Hell 1738
All's for the Best NA
Arnulfo and the Law NA
Arnulfo Collects a Crowd NA
Bad Negress 408
Big Christ and Little Christ 1347*
Blancaflor 313
Christ is the Better Smith 753
Current Story NA
Dog That Loved to Hunt Armadillos NA
Don Bartolo 1889B
Don Jose and the Peddlar NA
Don Jose and the Water Vendor NA
Drovers Who Lost Their Feet 1288
El Achichinque 1526A
Elves NA
Five Counsels 300
Five Counsels 910B
Flower of Lily-Lo 780
Fool and His Brother 1653B, 1681B
Four Sisters NA
God Gives a Hundred for One 1735
Good Is Repaid with Evil 155
Greenish Bird 425, 432
Hard-Hearted Son 779C*
Horse of Seven Colors 531, 550
Horse's Hooves and Chicken Feet NA
I Can't Hear a Thing 1777A*
Ixte'que (The Thief) 1525
Juan Oso 301, 302
Kondoy NA
Laziness Rewarded 1645B*
Little Ant 2031
Little Guava 327
Little Saint Michael NA
Lot of All Asses NA
Louse Skin 559, 621
Mal de Ojo NA
Man Who Escaped from the Bathhouse NA
Man Who Was Full of Truth NA
Mayor of San Fernando NA
Miracle of San Pedro Piedra Gorda 1840A
Miraculous Mesquite NA
Mourning Fee NA
Nanny Goat NA
On Holy Week NA
Pedro de Urdemalas and the Gringo -a 1539
Pedro de Urdemalas and the Gringo -b 1539
Pedro de Urdemalas and the House with Strange Names 1545, 1562A
Pedro de Urdemalas and the Priest 921, 1138, 1545
Pedro de Urdemalas, Schoolmaster NA
Perez the Mouse -a 2023
Perez the Mouse -b 2023
Phantom Children NA
Pig-Man NA
Poor Woodcutter 560
Priest Who had one Small Glimpse of Glory 471A
Pujpatza NA
Que Veo! NA
Quevedo and the King NA
Rabbit and the Coyote 34, 49A, 66A, 175. 1530
Rabbit and the Fox 36
Ram in the Chile Patch 2015
Rider in the Brambles 1676B
Rosary of Amozoc 1699
Round 2013, 2320
Rude Retort NA
Sermon on the Arrest of Jesus 1833
Sham Wise Man 1641
Stake in the Graveyard 1676B
Stupid Drover 1696
Tailor Who Sold His Soul to the Devil NA
Talking Animals 2075
Tamacasti 850
Thank God It Wasn't a Peso 1689
Three Questions 922
Three Shining Stones 851, 853A
Two Psychiartrists 1626
Who Spittled? NA
Widow's Cat NA
Witch Mother-in-Law NA
Witch Wife NA
World NA
Your Reward is Up Above NA