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Linked Tales

Folktales told around the World / Dorson

You will have to set up a free account at the Internet Archive if you want to read more than a few pages. 
AT numbers assigned to stories can come from the author of the collection or from Ashlimann's
 A Guide to Folktales in the English Language.

Anything not assigned an AT number has NA, for "not available" or "not assigned." 

Tale AT Country
Ages of Man 173 Polish
Agkon, the Greedy Son 766* Phillipino
Applie and Orangie 720 scotland
Bertoldino 675 Italian
Cinderella 510A French
Cold May Night 1927 Ireland
Condemned Lover 760* Peruvian
Dove and the Fox 9 Italian
Dsipute in Sign Language 922, 924A Israel
Duck-Dog 652 Canadian
Hunter's Joke 1092 Finland
King of Cheats 1525N, 1545 Indian
Kondoy 650A Mexican
Lake of Langui 750B Peruvian
Lazybones 902* Hungarian
Liar Mvkang and the Water Snake 6 Buma
Little Cockroach Martina 2023 Cuba
Man Who Bought a Dream 1645A Japanese
Mass of St Joseph 759 Spanish
Mountain Where Old People were Abandoned 981 Japanese
Mouse and the Fox 78A, 175 Peruvian
On Holy Week 1829 Mexican
Ox as Mayor 1675 Germany
Quevedo Works as a Cook 1545 Peruvian
Scalded Wolf 121, 152*, 1875 French
Sheep and the Ram 471 Canadian
Sister Cat 2023 Italian
Song of the Thief 1360C, 1525Q* Polish
String of Trout 1832E*, 1832J* Canadian
Sure News if Up Aheard 449 Egyptian
Sword of Wisdom 305A Canadian
Teja and Teji 510 Indian
Tub of Butter 1, 15 Canadian
Two Brothers 834 USA
Two Thieves 1654 Russian
Two Thieves with the Same Wife 1525Q Afghanistan
Wanto and the Shapeless Thing 555 Cameroun