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AT numbers assigned to stories can come from the author of the collection or from Ashlimann's
A Guide to Folktales in the English Language.
Anything not assigned an AT number has NA, for "not available" or "not assigned."
Title | AT |
Amasa Abbey's Horse | 1911A |
Amassa Abbey's Circular Gun | 1890E |
Amassa Abbey's Dog | 1889L |
Big Connecticut Pumpkins | 1960D |
Captain Benson Hears the Mouse on the Weather-Cock | 1920E* |
Captain's Benson's Dog | 1889B |
Cut Legs and the Devil | 1030 |
Cut Legs and the Devil | 1036 |
General Moulton and the Devil | 1130 |
Hard of Hearing: a Love Story | 1698 |
Is it Shelled? | 1951 |
Major Brown's Coon Story | 1916 |
Satan Outwitted | 1191 |
Shooting Robins with a Ramrod | 1894 |
Soup from a Stone | 1548 |
Thomas Moore Catches Shad in His Trousers | 1895 |
Trading Water for Rum | 1555B |
Wasn't she Spunky? | 1365B |
Man Who Sold His Shadow | 329A* |
Monks and the Donkey | 1529 |
Mosquitoes | NA |
Old Man Devaule | NA |
Painted Priests | 1730 |
Pat and the Priest | NA |
Patience | NA |
Patrick O'Dea and the English | NA |
Peggy O'Leary and the Leprecauns | NA |
Ring | 560 |
Rooster | 670 |
Schemer and the Flute | 1539 |
Secret | NA |
Seven Bones | 365 |
Seven Devils | NA |
Smart Mrs. McCool | NA |
Snow Boy | 1362 |
Spendthrift Son | 910D |
Story of Hedgy | 300, 519, 650A, 650C |
Switch, the Tablecloth, and the Harmonica | 563 |
The Dream | NA |
Three Brothers | 530 |
Three Godfathers | 834, 834A |
Three Wishes | 750A |
Two Brothers | 300, 303 |
Visit from the Dead | NA |
Wedding Gift | 1653 |
Werewolf of Campobello | NA |
White Bird of Death | NA |
White Wolf | NA |
Title | AT |
Big Cabbage | 1920A |
Biggest Fool | 1210 |
Buried Alive | 990 |
Colored Man and the Mexicans | 1700 |
Dividing Souls | 1791 |
Fox and Rabbit in the Well | 32 |
I'm Going to Fall | 326 |
Irishman and Punkin | 1319 |
Irismen and the Frogs | 1642 |
Meeting Man | 157 |
Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Frog Make Mr. Fox and Mr. Bear their Riding Horses | 72 |
Nearsighted Old Lady | 1456 |
Old Coon | 1641 |
Old Marster and the Hant | 1318 |
Po' Thing | 1315 |
Quarrelsome Couple | 1365C |
Rabbit and Bear inside the Elephant | 676 |
Rabbit and Fox go fishing | 2, 1525 |
Rabbit and Hedgehog | 275A* |
Rabbit and the Dog | 62 |
Rabbit fool the Panther | 15 |
Riding-Horse | 72 |
Silly Girl | 1245, 1286, 1541, 1653A |
Snake and Baby | 285 |
Tar Baby | 175 |
Three More Bigger Fools | 1210, 1245, 1286, 1384, 1450 |
Waiting for Martin | 326 |
What Darkens the Hole? | 1900 |
What Did Paul Say? | 1833A |
Why the Buzzard is Bald | 157 |
Young Man in the Morning | 1479* |