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AT numbers assigned to stories can come from the author of the collection or from Ashlimann's
A Guide to Folktales in the English Language.
Anything not assigned an AT number has NA, for "not available" or "not assigned."
Tale | AT |
Ananzi and Baboon | NA |
Ananzi and Quanqua | NA |
Ananzi and the Lion | NA |
Annie the Goose Girl | 870A |
Big Peter and Little Peter | 1535 |
Boots and his Brothers | 577 |
Boots and the Troll | 327G |
Boots who ate a match with the Troll | 1060, 1088 |
Boots who made the Princess say, "That's a Story" | 852 |
Bruin and Reynard | 15 |
Bushy Bride | 403 |
Buttercup | 327C |
Dapplegrim | 530 |
Doll i' the Grass | 402 |
East o' the Sun, and West o' the Moon | 425A |
Farmer Weathersky | 325 |
Gertrude's Bird | 751A |
Goosey Grizzel | 1383 |
Gudbrand on the Hill-side | 1415 |
Hacon Grizzlebeard | 900 |
How One went out to Woo | 1459** |
Katie Woodencloak | 510A |
Lord Peter | 545B |
Nancy Fairy | NA |
Not a Pin to choose between them | 1383, 1384 |
One's Own ChIIdren are always Prettiest | 247 |
Princess on the Glass HIIl | 530 |
Rich Peter the Pedlar | 461, 930 |
Shortshanks | 300, 303 |
Soria Moria Castle | 400, 401A |
Taming the Shrew | 853 |
Tatterhood | 711 |
The Best Wish | 580 |
The Big Bird Dan | 301A |