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E-Learning Instructor Tools

Tools for subject and instruction librarians teaching one-shot instruction sessions, workshops, etc. Tools can be used to create, store, and share instruction materials as well as to further communicate with students and faculty.

Audio Tools


 Adobe Audition

• $40/yr through DoIT, expansive, professional level audio editing program.

Tip: As part of the Adobe Suites, this is available in the Digital Media Lab and available for download through the DoIT Software Center.  Adobe products are available free to use for students in DoIT labs including the Information Commons and DMIL. Adobe licenses are $40 through the DoIT Software Center.

Product link:


> Free to download, easy to use, audio editing program.

Tip: Free to download. Available in the DMIL.

Product link:

Garage Band

> Music creation studio for Mac with a complete sound library for different instruments.

Tip: Available on Macs.

Product link: