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Negro, Black and African-American Census Reports: Home

African American Census Reports

This guide lists census reports that contain data on Negroes, Blacks and African-Americans, and provide links to full-text copies. Many reports are not specifically about African-Americans, but contain race information in the data. 

In addition to population and housing censuses, race information can also be found in some agricultural census reports. More data is contained in twentieth century reports and bulletins on pauperism; education; employment and other topics.

Many states conducted their own census surveys as well. You can usually find these through the state historical societies. 

Types of Links

Census Bureau
Combination of full-text documents, summaries, analyses, reports and information on how race has been classified in the census over the years. 

Hathi TrustInternet Archive, Federal Reserve, and Google Books
Full text of documents

WorldCat is a catalog of books worldwide. If full-text is not available online, this catalog will show you libraries near you that own the book. You can then request by inter-library loan through your local library.

Statistical Abstract
The Statistical Abstract of the United States has been published since 1878. It is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Sources of data include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other federal agencies and private organizations.

BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Though not part of the census bureau, this government agency has publications dealing with labor and employment.



Myrlie Beasley Evers and family (link)

Washington family group. c. 1870 (link)

Khalilah Harris and her father Frank Nugent (link)

An African-American family sits around a coffee table playing a board game. (link)

Contact information

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Marie Concannon
Welcomes questions from everyone
106-B Ellis Library
University of Missouri
(573) 882-0748