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Negro, Black and African-American Census Reports: 1910

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Thirteenth Census - 1910

Overview - 1910 Census
Census Bureau

Index of Questions
Census Bureau 

Census of Population and Housing 
Census Bureau 

Composition and Characteristics of the population
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 274.2 MB]

Population by counties and minor civil subdivisions, 1910, 1900, 1890. [Feb] 1912, 2nd edition. 596p.
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 121.2 MB]

Special Reports

Full Document [ZIP, 323.5 MB]
Chapter 01 - Population by regional division by sex, by marital status (married, widowed or divorced) by race (native white, foreign-born, white; and Negro). Page 154. Table 30.
Chapter 02 - Bulletin. Population: Color or race, nativity parentage and sex.  Reprint of Chapter 2, pages 77-199 of the Abstract of the Thirteenth Census. Data by color or race, nativity, parentage and sex. Classification by color or race consists of white, Negro, Indian, Chinese, Japanese and all other (mainly Hindus and Koreans). Parentage classification is native white, foreign or mixed parentage, foreign-born white, Negro and Other (Indian, Chinese, Japanese and other). Page 7 of pdf. 43 tables. 5 maps.
Chapter 03 - Bulletin. Population full-blood Indians. Data on full-blood Indians based on tribal affiliation and degree of mixture (more than half Indian, half Indian half Negro, more than half Negro). Includes more data on Indian population including mixed blood. 4 tables, Page 111 of pdf.
Chapter 04 - Bulletin 316. Occupation Statistics. Explanation of the enumeration of Negroes of the South, Page 1. Data on persons occupied distributed by color or ace, nativity and parentage. (tables on pages 37-39).
Chapter 07 - Bulletin 373. School attendance and illiteracy. Data by race (white, Negro, Indian, Chinese, Japanese and all other), sex, and age. Page 1.

368. United States. Abstract –Age and marital condition
Census Bureau
369. United States. Abstract –Color and race, nativity, parentage, and sex.
Census Bureau
371. United States. Abstract of statistics of the number and distribution of inhabitants
Census Bureau
372. United States. Abstract – State of birth of native population
384. United States. Abstract -- Tenure, mortgage indebtedness, color and nativity of farmer, and size of farms by States
385. Age of Farmers by color of operator, character of tenure and size of farm (1920 and 1930 data)
Census Bureau


Full Document [ZIP, 103.0 MB]
Chapter 1. Bulletin 121: Prisoners & Juvenile Delinquents 1910: Classification by race, nativity, sex, by divisions and states. Page 1.
Chapter 2. Bulletin 122: Estimates of Population 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914. White and colored population April 15, 1910 and estimates of population by color for July 1, 1914, 1913, 1912, 1911 and 1910, for each state haivng 50,000 of more or at least 10 per cent of its population colored. Page 22. Tables 6 and 7.
Chapter 9. Bulletin 129: Negroes In the United.States. Negro population by sex, age, divisions, and states 1880-1910.  - Hathi Trust.
Chapters 10 and 11. Bulletin 130: The Blind Population of the U.S.: 1910. Blind population by race, age, sex, marital status by divisions and states.

Hunt, W. C. (1910). Thirteenth census of the United States, 1910: Population by states and territories.

(1913) Abstract of census. Statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures and mining for the United States, the states and principal cities.
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 120.6 MB]
Chapter 2. Population. Color or race, nativity, parentage and sex.
Chapter 4. Agriculture. Tenure, mortgage indebtedness, color and nativity of farmers

(1914) Statistical atlas of the United States.
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 123.0 MB]
Chapter 3. Population. Data on race and parentage by age, sex and divisions.
Chapter 4. Population. Diagrams and maps on race and parentage by year by states and divisions. 

(1914). Thirteenth census of the United States taken in the year 1910: Population 1910, general report and analysis.
Number and Distribution of inhabitants; Color or race, nativity, and parentage; sex distribution; age distribution; marital condition; state of birth of the native population; voting age, militia age, and naturalization; school attendance; illiteracy; inability to speak English; Dwelling and families; ownership of homes.

Durand, E. D., Harris, W. J., Hunt, W. C., Coulter, J. L., Powers, L. G., Teele, R. P., ... Hourwich, I. A. (1912). Thirteenth census of the United States taken in the year 1910.
Hathi Trust

Thirteenth census of the United States, 1910 Number and Distribution of Inhabitants [Reprint of Chapter I, pages 21-125 Volume I of the thirteenth census reports]
Hathi Trust

(1913) Volume II. Population, 1910. Reports by states, with statistics for counties, cities and other civil divisions - Alabama to Montana
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 319.7 MB]
For each state: Chapter 2. Composition and Characteristics of the Population. Color, nativity and parentage by counties.

(1913) Volume III. Population, 1910. Reports by states, with statistics for counties, cities and other civil divisions - Nebraska to Wyoming
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 222.0 MB]
For each state: Chapter 2. Composition and Characteristics of the Population. Color, nativity and parentage by counties. 

(1914) Vol. IV. Population, 1910. Occupation statistics
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 113.0 MB]
Chapter 1. Persons occupied distributed by color or race, nativity and parentage. Page 50-55 of pdf.
Chapters 4-7. In each industry or service group, by state and major cities, classified by age periods, color or race, nativity and sex.

(1912). Thirteenth census of the United States, 1910: Population by counties and minor civil divisions, 1910, 1900, 1890.
Hathi Trust

United States. & Rositer, William S. (1922) Increase of population in the United States, 1910-1920. (Census monographs I)
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 21.6 MB]

United States., Cummings, J., & Hill, J. A. (1969). Negro population in the United States, 1790-1915. New York: Kraus Reprint. 844 pages. : illus., maps. Reprint of 1918 edition.
Hathi Trust 

Negro Population of Fifty Cities: 1880 to 1930 Release N-34. 1 page.

United States., & McKenney, N. D. R. (1979). The social and economic status of the Black population in the United States: An historical view, 1790-1978. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Special Studies, Series P-23, No. 80. 270 pages.
ERIC (full-text)


Other Reports


(1913) Volume IV. Agriculture. Reports by states, with statistics for counties - Alabama-Montana 1160 pages.

(1913) Volume IV. Agriculture. Reports by states, with statistics for counties - Nebraska-Wyoming, Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico. 1226 pages.

Volume V. Agriculture. Statistics of farms, classified by race, nativity and tenure of farmers.
Full Document [ZIP, 323.5 MB]  Chapter 08.

(1917) The blind in the United States, 1910. 342 pages.
Hathi Trust

(1915) The blind population of the United States, 1910. 52 pages.

(1918) Deaf-mutes in the United States. Analysis of the census of 1910 with summary of state laws relative to the deaf as of January 1, 1918. 221 pages.
Hathi Trust

The Great Migration, 1910 to 1970 (Infographic)
Census Bureau  

The Great Migration of Afro-Americans, 1915-40 1987. 3 pages.

Hill, J. A., Meriam, L., & United States. (1914). Insane and feeble-minded in institutions, 1910. Washington: G.P.O. 217 pages.

(1913) Volume VIII. Manufactures, 1909. General report and analysis. Chap. 9. Character of ownership. 846 pages.

Negro education; a study of the private and higher schools for colored people in the United States. Washington : Govt. Print. Off., 1917. United States. Office of Education, also by Thomas Jesse Jones and Phelps-Stokes Fund. 242 pages.
Hathi Trust

Cummings, J., & Hill, J. A. (1918). Negro population 1790-1915. Washington: Govt. Print. Off. 844 pages.
Hathi Trust

The Negro in Industry. The Negro Migrant in Pittsburgh. “THE NEGRO IN INDUSTRY.” Monthly Review of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, vol. 6, no. 2, 1918, pp. 155–157. JSTOR, 1918.

Negro Migration in 1916-17 DOL Division of Negro Economics. 1919. 157 pages.

The Negro Worker and His Education. 1918 (page 3).

(1923) Number of prisoners in penal institutions, 1922 and 1917. 26 pages.
Hathi Trust

(1925) Paupers in almshouses, 1923. 76 pages.
Hathi Trust

(1918) Prisoners and juvenile delinquents in the United States, 1910. 535 pages.
Hathi Trust

Hunt, W. C., & Bliss, E. M. (1919). Religious bodies: 1916. Washington: Govt. Print. Off. 192 pages.
Hathi Trust

Bulletin. Tenure, Mortgage indebtedness, color and nativity of farmers, and size of farms, by states.
Full Document [ZIP, 323.5 MB]  Chapter 09. Pdf page 73.

(1913). Thirteenth census of the United States, 1910: Agriculture, 1909 and 1910. Washington, D.C: U.S. G.P.O. 6 volumes.

Statistical Abstract

Annual compendium of data and statistics on finance, commerce, public lands, immigration, shipping, the Postal Service, population, railroads, education, agriculture and prices. 

1910 - 1911 - 1912 - 1913 - 1914 - 1915 - 1916 - 1917 - 1918 - 1919


Census enumerators were issued badges during the 1910 census

Census enumerators were issued badges during the 1910 census as evidence of their authority to collect data from households. (link)

A Census Bureau employee uses a tabulating machine to compile census results.

A Census Bureau employee uses a tabulating machine to compile census results. This photograph was taken in 1919. (link)

Negro, 1918.
Negro, 1918. (link)

Negro children. 1911.

Negro children. 1911. (link)

map city population 1910
City population 1910 (link)