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Negro, Black and African-American Census Reports: 1950

General Population and Demographics

Overview - 1950 Census
Census Bureau

Index of Questions - Population
Census Bureau

Index of Questions - Housing
Census Bureau

United States. (1952). Census of population: 1950: A report of the seventeenth decennial census of the United States. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Bureau of the Census.
Hathi Trust

Census of Population and Housing
Census Bureau

Block Statistics for cities of 50,000 or more (Housing. Vol. V)
Hathi Trust

Characteristics by Size of Place (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 5, Chapter A)
Census Bureau

Characteristics of the Population (PC-7) 
Census Bureau

1950 Census of Population: Volume 2. Characteristics of the Population
Census Bureau

National Origin and Race (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 3)
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 104.8 MB]

Negroes in the United States: Their Employment and Economic Status: Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics No. 1119, 1952.

Negro population, by County: 1960 and 1950.
Hathi Trust

Nonwhite Population by Race (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 3, Chapter B)
Census Bureau

1950 Census of Population: Volume 1. Number of Inhabitants
Census Bureau

State of Birth (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 4, Chapter A)
Census Bureau

United States., & McKenney, N. D. R. (1979). The social and economic status of the Black population in the United States: An historical view, 1790-1978. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Special Studies, Series P-23, No. 80. 270 pages.
ERIC (full-text)

Statistical Abstract

Annual compendium of data and statistics on finance, commerce, public lands, immigration, shipping, the Postal Service, population, railroads, education, agriculture and prices.

1950 - 1951 - 1952 - 1953 - 1954 - 1955 - 1956  - 1957 - 1958 - 1959


The Great Migration, 1910 to 1970 (Infographic)
Census Bureau  

Mobility of the Population For the U.S.:
March 1949 to March 1950
(P-20-36) Census Bureau
April 1950 to April 1951 (P-20-39) Census Bureau
April 1952 to April 1953 (P-20-49) Census Bureau
April 1953 to April 1954 (P-20-57) Census Bureau
April 1954 to April 1955 (P-20-61) Census Bureau
March 1955 to March 1956 (P-20-73) Census Bureau
April 1956 to April 1957 (P-20-82) Census Bureau
March 1957 to March 1958 (P-20-85) Census Bureau
April 1958 to April 1959 (P-20-104) Census Bureau  

Mobility of the Population (Special Report, Part 4)
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 273.9 MB]

Population Mobility – States and State Economic Areas (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 4, Chapter B)
Census Bureau

Population Mobility – Farm-Nonfarm Movers (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 4, Chapter C)
Census Bureau

Population Mobility – Characteristics of Migrants (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 5, Chapter A)
Census Bureau


Education (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 5, Chapter B)
Census Bureau

Educational Attainment:
October 1953
(P-20-45) Census Bureau 
March 1957 (P-20-77) Census Bureau

Estimates of Illiteracy, By States: 1950 (P-23-6)
Census Bureau

A Half-Century of Learning: Historical Statistics on Educational Attainment in the United States, 1940 to 2000
Census Bureau

Statistics of public elementary and secondary education of Negroes in the southern states : 1951-52. Washington : U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, 1955,  also by Carol Joy Hobson
Hathi Trust

Poverty, Employment and Income

A century of change: the U.S. labor force, 1950–2050 

Differences between incomes of white and Negro families by region, 1969 and 1959. Washington, D.C: Bureau of the Census, 1971.

Shelburne, Elizabeth C.; United States. Bureau of the Census. Differences between incomes of white and Negro families by work experience of wife and region: 1970, 1969, and 1959.  Washington, D.C: Bureau of the Census, 1971.
Hathi Trust

Employment and Income of Negro Workers - 1940-52

Employment and Personal Characteristics (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 1, Chapter A)
Census Bureau

Farms and Farm People: Population, Income, and Housing Characteristics by Economic Class of Farm
Census Bureau

Income in 1959 of the Population of the United States (PC-S1-36) 
Census Bureau  

Income of Families and Persons in the United States 1956 (P60-27)
Census Bureau

Keeler, M., & United States. (1954). Negro women and their jobs. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept. of Labor, Women's Bureau.

Negroes in the United States: Their Employment and Economic Status: Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics No. 1119, 1952.

Occupational Characteristics (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 1, Chapter B)
Census Bureau

Households, Children, Marriage and Divorce

Characteristics by Fertility (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 5, Chapter C)
Census Bureau

Family Characteristics
Title Page [PDF], Full Document [ZIP, 109.0 MB]

General Characteristics of Families (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 2, Chapter A)
Census Bureau

Institutional Population (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 2, Chapter C)
Census Bureau

Marital Status (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 2, Chapter D)
Census Bureau

Duration of Current Marital Status (Population: 1950. Vol. IV, Special Reports, Part 2, Chapter E)
Census Bureau

Other Reports

Facts and Figures on Older Americans: State Trends 1950-1970 


An employee of the Census Bureau's map section reviews maps

An employee of the Census Bureau's map section reviews maps based on census data. (link)

Map showing distribution of Negro population by county 1950

Distribution of Negro population by county 1950 : showing each county with 500 or more Negroes. (link)

map city population 1950
City population 1950 (link)


An enumerator interviews President Truman and the first family for the 1950 census. (link)