Other Real Time Search Tools
- BuzzSumo searches the most shared content across the four main social networks namely Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+.
- YouTube Trends, Map & Blog Dashboard
- Popurls provides an overview of what is happening on the Internet and social web today.
- SocialMention is a real time social media search that quantifies your results by sentiment, strength, passion & reach.
- Boardreader searches across forums and other sites.
- BuzzFeed aggregates social trending content.
Social Data Sites
Verification Tools
- Verification Junkie is a directory of tools for verifying, fact checking and assessing the validity of social media and user generated content.
Geosocial/ Location-based Tools
- GeoSocial Footprint - analyze your geosocial footprint for risk
- Echosec - Location based meta-data in digital publications allows you to search physical regions for messages, images, videos and more.
Image Search
- TinEye - Reverse image search using image or image url
- Google Images - Use the image or image url to search for images across networks