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Use Information From the "Finding & Evaluating Information" Tab to Answer the Following Questions:
- Explain the step-by-step process that you used to find the information
- Indicate what you found
- Determine whether the information that you found is trustworthy
Finding & Evaluating Information
- Search Google for general information about Martin Luther King.
- Pick two items from the first search engine results page (SERP).
- Look for information about who "owns" or is responsible for the information on the site.
- Search for an "about us" link on the site. Does it say anything about the author(s), organization or company associated with the site?
- Using Domain Tools Whois Lookup,, Internic Whois or IP Whois domain search, see if you can trace the registrant of the site.
- Compare the quality of information on each site as well as the sites' possible audience(s).
- Explain why you think that each site was ranked high enough to be on the first SERP.