A situation analysis of a nonprofit organizations is tied to its mission, vision and values statements. It usually covers an analysis of service, market (including geographics, demographics and pschographics, competition, current financial situation, and macroenvironment) including demand trends, economic conditions, state of technology, politics, laws and regulations.
Nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) status are required to file Form 990, Return of Organizations Exempt from Income Tax, with the IRS. The form includes financial statements and background information on the nonprofit, including salaries of key employees (i.e. director, head, officers).
Most organizations, charities, associations and other nonprofits have a website. On that website, they should have information about them: their mission, vision, history. Financial information can be found on tax forms. Charities and Nonprofits must file 990 forms with the Internal Revenue Service. ProPublica' Nonprofit Explorer offers free searching for nonprofits, including IRS 990 files. Much information about competition, past advertising and promotional efforts will come from the client interviews.
Categories may not be static. Identifying others in the same category space can assist you in analyzing the health and maturity of the category. Make sure to analyze political, economic, s, and technological impacts on the category.
Organizations should have customer, donor, member lists. They may have access to customer demographics which would help you profile their customer base. Surveys and focus groups will help gather information about engagement and motivations. Analyze their social media efforts if this information and analytical tools are available.
Who are the organization's competitors? Identification of the organization's business or service category is essential to identifying the competition. Once again, competition is not static. It can change over time based on current climate and context so conducting a PEST analysis can help determine changes in category, consumers and competition.
Evaluate the climate in which the nonprofit/organization/association does business.