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Journalism - Resources for Journalism Graduate Students

About the Library

We are the world’s first Journalism Library founded in 1908. Our library serves the students, faculty, staff and alumni of the MU School of Journalism.

Journalism Library Staff

Library FAQ Handout


Floor plan

Campus map

Group study rooms

Contact Us

Email us at

Library: 573-882-7502

Gabriel Harman
Interim Head, Journalism Library
103B Reynolds Journalism Institute
Phone: 573-882-0660

Ask Us and Find Us!

Notice: You must present your active student MU ID to check out library materials. Your ID becomes active when you pay your fees at Jesse Hall and the information is entered into the library system. This can take a few days or a week depending on when you paid the fees.

Find Us!

The Journalism Library is located on the main floor in the Reynolds Journalism Institute building (102 RJI)

Entering from 9th street - turn left from center of the lobby.  (This door is locked after 6:00 PM Monday through Thursday, Saturdays and Sundays)

Entering from the quad (USE THIS ENTRANCE AFTER 6:00 PM) enter through the back door on the quad side of RJI. Turn right at the first hallway. (This door is open (during semesters, excluding holidays) Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM until 8:00 PM.) 

For ID card entrance after regular hours contact Katie Swon 573.882-2489 or for any other J-School doors including labs.  

Ask Us!

Call us for assistance: