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2015 Protests at MU: 2017 Articles

Newspaper Articles 2017

Bias training aims to improve MU executive, department searches 1/4/2017

Activist Angela Davis urges cooperation against injustice 1/24/2017

UM System Review Commission cites lack of stable funding, not leadership, as key shortcoming 2/15/2017

MU Faculty Council approves new faculty misconduct standards 2/23/2017

State rep asks UM System to retract support of discrimination bills 2/24/2017

Former MU student leader Payton Head cites civic engagement as key to activism success 2/27/2017

Mike Middleton saw interim president job as calming UM's troubled waters 3/1/2017

Community members pack MU forum on Islamophobia, anti-Semitism 3/15/2017

MU's new expression policies take effect June 1 4/27/2017 

Students use #MutedByMU to voice disapproval of new expression policies 5/4/2017

Results of 2016 survey show MU faculty concerns 5/8/2017

EDITORIAL: Free speech shouldn't be stifled 5/8/2017

UPDATE: Reports say Alexander Cartwright to be named next MU chancellor 5/23/2017

EDITORIAL: Long list of challenges awaits MU’s new chancellor 5/30/2017

UPDATE: MU layoffs include longtime Res Life Director Frankie Minor 7/7/2017

GUEST COMMENTARY: National article mischaracterizes state of MU after 2015 protests 7/10/2017

MU STATEMENT: Response to Monday's New York Times article about the university 7/11/2017

New York Times article on MU setbacks prompts campus rebuttal 7/11/2017 

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: New York Times article on Mizzou gets it wrong 7/12/2017 

University responds to NAACP advisory against travel to Missouri 8/7/2017

Preliminary MU enrollment statistics offer mixed picture 8/21/2017

Flyers suggest white supremacist group recruiting at MU 8/23/2017

EDITORIAL: Mizzou's focus on helping low-income students should help boost enrollment 9/6/2017

GUEST COMMENTARY: National article mischaracterizes state of MU after 2015 protests 9/10/2017 

Race was most talked-about concern in MU 2016 campus climate survey 9/18/2017

New class on race in America meant to continue MU conversation 9/20/2017

UM System hired a high-profile PR firm for damage control after fall 2015 9/21/2017 

GUEST COMMENTARY: Hiring Edelman PR was the wrong move for the UM System 9/25/2017

GUEST COMMENTARY: American patriotism means standing up for those affected by bigotry 9/26/2017

Mistakes of past weak leadership won't be repeated, UM curator says 10/10/2017 

Retaliation for reporting hostile conduct among fears in MU climate survey 10/19/2017

Students use music to share their stories of bias with faculty 10/19/2017

FACT CHECK: Greitens mostly false about MU having biggest enrollment drop of major universities 10/27/2017

University officials discuss free speech conflicts at First Amendment Symposium 10/27/2017

GEORGE KENNEDY: Two years after campus protests, it's time to lift the burden of history 11/9/2017 

MU Black Studies department hosts event to reflect on 2015 protests. 11/9/2017

MU made sweeping changes at the top after the fall 2015 protests. But it falls short on hiring minority faculty 11/9/2017

Chronicling the past two years 11/12/2017

Two years after protests, new leadership looks to send MU on upward trajectory 11/12/2017 

'Two Years Later' event urges education in aftermath of campus protests 11/14/2017 

GEORGE KENNEDY: Steps have been taken after 2015 protests, but more must be done 11/16/2017