🧊 3D Animation Projects
The following projects were designed and animated using the 3D Scanners and Autodesk Maya, both available in the Digital Media Lab.
⌈ Made on Autodesk Maya by Joseph Sabo ⌋
🧊 3D Design Projects
This showcase is for projects made either using one of the 3D Scanners or made in Autodesk Maya.
Blue Neblina
⌈ Made on Autodesk Maya by Guilherme J. Ferreira ⌋
Purple Temple
⌈ Made on Autodesk Maya by Guilherme J. Ferreira ⌋
This area showcases projects made using tools like a 3D Scanner and software like Autodesk Maya. It is a showcase project* of the Digital Media and Innovation Lab in Ellis Library, exploring and highlighting how resources in the lab can be used.