Manufacturing wages -- SEE box below.
Shows the average salaries of teachers, principals, and superintendents 14 southern states for both white and black staff members. Source: Education in the forty-eight states, table 20
Wages in MULTIPLE STATES, 1930s
Wages in ALABAMA, 1930s
Wages in ARKANSAS, 1930s
Wages in ARIZONA, 1930s
Wages in CALIFORNIA, 1930s
Wages in COLORADO, 1930s
Wages in CONNETICUT, 1930s
Wages in the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 1930s
Wages in DELAWARE, 1930s
Wages in FLORIDA, 1930s
Wages in GEORGIA, 1930s
Wages in HAWAII, 1930s
Wages in IOWA, 1930s
Wages in IDAHO, 1930s
Wages in ILLINOIS, 1930s
Wages in INDIANA, 1930s
Wages in KANSAS, 1930s
Wages in KENTUCKY, 1930s
Wages in LOUISIANA, 1930s
Wages in MASSACHUSETTS, 1930s
Wages in MARYLAND, 1930s
Wages in MAINE, 1930s
Wages in MICHIGAN, 1930s
Wages in MINNESOTA, 1930s
Wages in MISSOURI, 1930s
Wages in MISSISSIPPI, 1930s
Wages in MONTANA, 1930s
Wages in NORTH CAROLINA, 1930s
Wages in NORTH DAKOTA, 1930s
Wages in NEBRASKA, 1930s
Wages in NEW HAMPSHIRE, 1930s
Wages in NEW JERSEY, 1930s
Wages in NEW MEXICO, 1930s
Wages in NEVADA, 1930s
Wages in NEW YORK, 1930s
Wages in OHIO, 1930s
Wages in OKLAHOMA, 1930s
Wages in OREGON, 1930s
Wages in PENNSYLVANIA, 1930s
Wages in RHODE ISLAND, 1930s
Wages in SOUTH CAROLINA, 1930s
Wages in TENNESSEE, 1930s
Wages in TEXAS, 1930s
Wages in UTAH, 1930s
Wages in VIRGINIA, 1930s
Wages in VERMONT, 1930s
Wages in WASHINGTON, 1930s
Wages in WISCONSIN, 1930s
Wages in WEST VIRGINIA, 1930s
Wages in WYOMING, 1930s
Wages in ARGENTINA, 1930s
Wages in BRAZIL, 1930s
Wages in INDIA, 1930s
Wages in CANADA, 1930s
Wages in FRANCE, 1930s
Wages in GERMANY, 1930s
Wages in GREAT BRITAIN, 1930s
Wages in GREECE, 1930s
Wages in HUNGARY, 1930s
Wages in INDO-CHINA, 1930s
Wages in ITALY, 1930s
Wages in JAPAN, 1930s
Wages in KOREA, 1930s
Note: Between 1910 and 1945, the Korean peninsula was under Japanese occupation and was known as Chosen.
Wages in MEXICO, 1930s
Wages in NETHERLANDS, 1930s
Wages in NEW ZEALAND, 1930s
Wages in NORWAY, 1930s
Wages in PALESTINE, 1930s
Wages in POALND, 1930s
Wages in the SOVIET UNION, 1930s
Wages in SWEDEN, 1930s
Wages in SWITZERLAND, 1930s
Wages in YUGOSLAVIA, 1930s
"It should be emphasized that income tax returns are frequently but erroneously used as an indication of the number of families at different income levels..... only about 4 million persons file returns whereas there are 30 million families in the United States." -- Daniel Starch, Ph.D., writing in 1930 (Source)
For the type of gas commonly used in homes for cooking and heating water (not gasoline). Source: BLS Bulletin #628, pp. 38-47.
Coal price by city, 1930
Shows price per ton, Aug 1929-Aug 1930. Source: Monthly labor review, Oct 1930.
Coal for household use, 1931-1932
Average retail price of coal by city for April and May of 1931 and 1932.
NOTE: Ford, Chrysler and General Motors (producer of Chevrolet) represented 91% of all new car registrations in 1934. Source: The Price of automobiles, U.S. National Recovery Administration, pp. 48-49. See graphical depiction of car sales by make in 1937.
NOTE: "In 1933, for every 100 new cars sold, 178 used cars were sold" (Source: The Price of Automobiles, U.S. National Recovery Administration, p. 10).
Interesting facts:
In 1929-1930, 12% of people aged 18-21 were enrolled in college.
In 1939-1940, 15% of people aged 18-21 were enrolled in college.
NOTABLE FACT: Consumer Reports found in 1936 that men's shirts lasted only about 20-26 commercial washings before degrading (source).
NOTE: In 1930, more farm families had a telephone (34%) than a radio (21%). Source
Traffic violation fines by state, 1938
Source: U.S. Congress. House document 462 part 1, 75th Congress, 3rd session.
"Money disbursement" is the measurement of how much money people make as well as how they spend that money.
In addition to the links below, we recommend the book America's Capacity to Consume, published in 1934 by the Brookings Institution. It reports personal and household income as well as consumer expenditures in the late 1920s and early 1930s.
In the United States...
Prices in EUROPE, 1930s
Prices in CANADA, 1930s
Prices in CHILE, 1930s
Prices in LATIN AMERICA, 1930s
Prices in FRANCE, 1930s
Prices in the SOVIET UNION, 1930s
"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" (with 1936-1938 supplement)
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)
"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" (with 1936-1938 supplement)
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)
"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" (with 1936-1938 supplement)
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)
"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)
"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" (with 1936-1938 supplement)
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)
"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" (with 1936-1938 supplement)
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)
"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" (with 1936-1938 supplement)
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)
"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" (with 1936-1938 supplement)
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)
"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" (with 1936-1938 supplement)
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)
"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" (with 1936-1938 supplement)
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)
Marie Concannon, Government Information Librarian
Government Documents Department, Ellis Library
University of Missouri, Columbia
Phone (573) 882-0748