Guides by Level of Government
For Missouri Depository Libraries
Wednesday August 20-Thursday, August 21, 2014
Marie Concannon, Welcome!
Welcome to Day 1 of the virtual conference. General announcements.
Marie Concannon is the Regional Coordinator for the FDLP in Missouri. Recently awarded the Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award by the ALA Government Documents Roundtable, she currently Chairs the Federal Depository Library Council, advisory body to the Public Printer of the United States and the Superintendent of Documents. Marie is proud to be a life-long resident of Missouri. Her professional goal is to make Missouri depository libraries as strong and vibrant as they can be, and for every Missourian to have free and easy access to information about government.
Annie Moots, Missouri State Government Publications Update
Annie Moots will talk about the latest news concerning state government publications, including the resumption of printing the Blue Book, the Missouri Libraries Historical Collection, the State Library’s collection of digital state publications online, and more.
Annie Moots has been a reference and government documents librarian in the Reference Services Division of the Missouri State Library in Jefferson City for 8 1/2 years where she works on a variety of projects, the largest of which is building a digital library of Missouri state government publications. She earned her Master’s degree at the University of Missouri -Columbia School of Information Science and Learning Technologies.
Marie Concannon, Mold recovery at MU Libraries
In October 2013, mold was discovered in one of MU Libraries’ offsite storage facilities. All 640,000 volumes were affected, including over 130,000 government documents. This presentation will explain plans for replacing affected volumes, and introduce new disposal guidelines which will be in effect until disaster recovery is complete.
Barbara Rehkop and Tove Kloning, Legislative History Research
Not too long ago, legislative history research was often perceived as both a daunting and intimidating task. Now researchers have access to legislative history documents via online government portals such as FDSYS,, online library catalogs, and via many other useful sources on the web. The first part of this presentation will focus on how to best navigate FDsys and for both novice as well as experienced researchers. The second part of this presentation will cover cool tips and tricks for locating the same documents and useful secondary sources via either an online library catalog, or via the internet.
Barbara Rehkop earned her Master’s Degree in Library Science from the University of Michigan a long time ago. She was the Government Documents Librarian at St. Louis Public Library 1996 -2003 and has been the Government Documents Specialist at Washington University’s Olin Library since 2003. She is honored to be the first leader for the St. Louis Sub-Regional and to have received a 2012 Library of the Year award from GPO.
Tove Klovning is the Foreign/Comparative/International Law Librarian & Lecturer in Law at Washington University School of Law. She also teaches an American legal research methodology course, assists with legal research questions relating to the American legal system and oversees the library's US federal and Missouri government document collections. Tove is an associate member of the American Bar Association, has taught in the Global Legal Studies Master Program at the Universidade Catolica Portuguesa in Lisbon, Portugal, written several legal researches guides, contributes to a legal blog and has had several speaker engagements in the US and abroad.
Marie Concannon, Introducing a New Structure for the FDLP
This session will review the results of State and individual library Forceasts – a GPO proposal to fundamentally change the way regionals and selectives provide govt information services to the public.
Yael Davis, Big Data: The Basics
We will briefly discuss the three V's of big data (volume, velocity, variety). There will be a short history in government's role in big data and an overview of data visualization.
Yael Davis is the Government Documents Specialist at Saint Louis University Vincent C. Immel Law Library. Ms. Davis has a Masters of Distance Education from the University of Maryland, University College and specializes in educational theory, infographics, multimedia learning objects and instructional design. She has produced multimedia learning objects for government information outreach as well as Advanced Legal Research.
Katrina Stierholz, Announcement
Upcoming conference: “Beyond the Numbers: Economics and Data Resources for Information Professionals.”
Katrina Stierholz is Vice President and Chief Librarian at the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank library. She served on the FDLP Depository Library Council from 2006-2009.
Mark Love, Gov Docs as Primary Sources: Documents for History Students
There are a myriad of U.S. government documents that have been digitized by a variety of institutions, including government agencies and universities. These documents often are of great historical importance and can be utilized by history students in many college-level courses. This presentation will highlight some historically-significant documents that have been digitized and how they can be marketed to college students.
Annie Moots, Missouri State Agency Database
The State Agency Databases web site is a wiki sponsored by ALA’s Government Documents Roundtable and consists of links to state government sponsored databases for every state. Annie Moots of the Missouri State Library has compiled most of the listings on the Missouri page and will talk about some of the more interesting and helpful entries.