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Prices and Wages by Decade: 1920-1929

Links to government documents and primary sources listing retail prices for products and services, as well as wages for common occupations.

Wages in the United States, 1920-1929

Wages by race, 1920s

Wages by occupation and industry (A to Z), 1920s






Education job salaries by state



  • Government, federal
  • Government, state and local
    • State employee pay, 1925-1928 
      • Shows average public employee pay for each state. Source: National Municipal Review, January 1932 issue.
    • New York state, 1911-1931 
      • This source is entirely about compensation of state and local government employees in New York. See the table of contents for additional tables and discussion.
    • Pennsylvania, 1928 
      • Shows salaries at the state, county and city levels. Source: Report of the Salary survey commission to the Pennsylvania General assembly, 1929.
    • New Haven Connecticut, 1920 and 1921 
      • This series of Municipal Year Books from New Haven, Connecticut, show salaries for police, firemen, school teachers, principals, building inspectors, clerks and other jobs working for city government.  Use the search function to find salaries for these occupations, or contact us for assistance.


Manufacturing wages -- SEE box below.






  • Petroleum industry - Wages by occupation and state, 1920 
    • Shows wages, hours and earnings for mechanics, pipe fitters, welders, tinsmiths derrick men, drillers, firemen, engineers and more.   Source: BLS Bulletin no. 297.
  • Police department personnel salaries and wages
    • 1924
      •  Shows data for Washington DC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and other additional cities on pages 5-9. Separate listings for inspectors, police superintendents, captains, sergeants, privates, etc. Source: Congressional hearing.
    • 1927
      • Shows salaries for seven occupations in police departments of 25 American cities.  Source: U.S. Congressional Serial Set vol. 8836.
    • 1929
      • Shows police department salaries for cities over 100,000 population.  Source: U.S. BLS Monthly labor review, Jan 1930.

Railroad employee wages

See also the "TRANSPORTATION" tab above.

  • 1920-1928
    • Shows the average annual wage per employee regardless of job title.  Source: 1929 Yearbook of railroad information, p. 54.
  • 1929 RR signalThe average RR worker earned $1,707 in 1928
    • Wage rates for engineers, conductors, baggage men, coal passers, firemen, switch tenders, hostlers, signalmen, station agents, telegraphers, machinists and more. Source: Monthly Labor Review, April 1922, pp. 82-85.
  • 1922 
    • Compares 1922 to 1940 wage rates for a variety of RR jobs, pp. 7-8 in: Wages and labor relations in the railroad industry 1900-1941.
  • 1914-1923 
    • Source: Wages, hours and employment of railroad workers published by the National Industrial Conference Board.
  • 1927
  • 1928
    • Average wages by type of job in 1929 Yearbook of railroad information, p. 56.





Manufacturing wages, 1920-1929

Women's wages, 1920-1929

See list of the most common occupations for women in 1910 and 1920 (source: Census).

Wages by state, 1920-1929

Significant legislation concerning wages, 1920s

Foreign wages by country, 1920-1929

Wages in ARGENTINA, 1920s




WAGES in BRAZIL, 1920s

Wages in CANADA, 1920s

WAGES in CHILE, 1920s

WAGES in CHINA, 1920s


Wages in FINLAND, 1920s

WAGES in FRANCE, 1920s

Wages in GERMANY, 1920s

Wages in GREAT BRITAIN, 1920s

Wages in GREECE, 1920s

Wages in HUNGARY, 1920s

Wages in ITALTY, 1920s

WAGES in JAPAN, 1920s

WAGES in LATVIA, 1920s



Wages in MEXICO, 1920s

Wages in the NETHERLAND, 1920s

Wages in ROMANIA, 1920s

Wages in SOUTH AFRICA, 1920s

Wages in the SOVIET UNION, 1920s

WAGES in SPAIN, 1920s

WAGES in SWEDEN, 1920s


Wages in NEW ZEALAND, 1920s


Click for exchange rates, 1921-1930.

Family and household Income, 1920-1929

NOTE: For household income data for 1929, we recommend a 1934 Brookings Institution report titled America's Capacity to Consume.  It is not yet available to read online; check your local library for a printed copy.

Food prices in the United States, 1920-1929

Housing and land prices, 1920-1929

NOTE:  Some home plan sources below give the cost of building materials only.  Others include an estimate for labor (usually based on labor costs in a certain city such as New York or Chicago).  In most instances, the figures cited do not include cost of ground preparation or excavation.

Transportation costs, 1920-1929

NOTE: See top ten car manufacturers in 1920, and visual guide to car body types for 1921.



  • Inter-city bus fare to Detroit, 1926
    Lists fares from Chicago, Toledo and several smaller Michigan cities and towns.  Source: Facts and figures of the automobile industry, 1927 edition, p. 76.


Public transit fares

  • City transit fares in NY, PA, OH and MA - 1927
    Shows public transportation fares in 12 cities including NYC, Boston and Philadelphia. Chart on p. 48 shows average weekly expenditure on transportation to work. Source: Cost of living in twelve industrial cities, p. 44.
  • Streetcar, omnibus and subway rates, 1926
    • Covers more than 1,200 cities.  Tells cost of public transportation and railway fares as well.  Use "search in this text" feature to navigate (or contact us for assistance).  Source: The real North American pocket guide book by Harman Black.

Railroad fares

Steamship fares

  • Great Lakes, 1921-1922
    Service between Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo, Toledo, etc. Source: Central states guide, pp.276-278.
  • To China, 1926
    Fares from Seattle and San Francisco to Asia in Commercial travelers' guide to the Far East published 1926 by the U.S. Department of Commerce, p. 69-71.
  • To Latin America - 1920
    The "Commercial Travelers' Guide to Latin America" (1922, U.S. Dept of Commerce) lists one-way, first class steamship fares from New York to Caribbean islands, Mexico, and Central and South American countries. Also shows some fares originating from New Orleans and San Francisco. Fares are listed on pages 30-43; taxes on page 44. The guide advises the traveler to always seek first class accommodation.

More passenger air fares from other sources:

1927 Farman AirlineFind airfares in timetables
  • United States
  • Europe 
    • London to Paris
      • 1920 - £15, 15 shillings for one-way, or £30, 10 shillings for round trip (source).
      • 1922 - $21 one-way, in Aviation, 1/2/1922, p. 14.
    • London to Berlin
      • 1923 - One-way air fare for the 750-mile trip was $30 (4¢ per mile).  Source: Aviation magazine, June 4, 1923, p. 608.

Merchandise prices, 1920-1929

Health and medicine prices, 1920-1929

More prices in the United States, 1920-1929

In the 1920s, 8% - 12% of people aged 18-21 enrolled in college. Source: U.S. Bur. of Ed.

  • Hotel rates by state and city - 1920s
    • Listings for 1920, 1922, 1925 and 1926 in Official Hotel Red Book and Directory.
  • Hotel rates in the U.S. and Canada, 1923 
    • Listed by state and city. Source: Hotel Book by Howard Johnson, pp. 3-113.
  • 1928 Hotel guideContact us for 1928 hotel rates
    Hotel rates in the U.S. and Canada, 1923
  • Hotel rates, 1920-1927
    • Hotel rates can often be found within the advertisements throughout the pages of the Automobile Blue Books.
  • Hotel rates, 1926
    • Covers more than 1,200 cities.  Tells cost of public transportation and railway fares as well.  Use "search in this text" feature to navigate.  Source: Real North American pocket guide book.
  • Hotel rates, 1928
    • You may download a pdf version of the 1928 Official Hotel Red Book and Directory. Or, contact us for a look-up.


Cost of living in the U.S., 1920s

  • Families with living expenses of $1000
  • Families with living expenses of $1500
  • Families with living expenses of $2000
  • Families with living expenses of $3000

Quotable facts for the 1920s

In the United States...

  • In 1928, half of all families had an income of $2000 or less. Source
  • In 1927, "$30 per month was taken as the average minimum expenditure for rent in Boston for the [working class] family of four living on the American standard." Source
  • Farm laborers in MO earned an ave. $41.90/month in 1921. Source: MO Dept of Ag.
  • About 8-12% of people ages 18-21 attended college in the 20s. Source: U.S. Bur. of Ed.
  • College tuition was free to in-state residents at MU in 1921-22. Source: U.S. Bur. of Ed.
  • Milk cost an average 33¢ per half gallon in 1920. Source: U.S. BLS
  • Coffee cost an average 47¢ per pound in 1920. Source: U.S. BLS
  • Cars cost an average $2,537 in 1920 but the Model-T Ford was priced at $440.
  • Gasoline cost an average 21.7¢ per gallon in 1929. Source: USDA
  • In 1926, about 4% of workers earned enough to file a federal income tax return.
  • Cigarettes cost about 12.9¢ per pack in 1929.
  • White families spent an average $103.71/year on medical care around 1928-1931.  Source

Tools, calculators, and exchange rates

Foreign prices by country, 1920-1929

Prices in BRAZIL, 1920s

Prices in CANADA, 1920s

Prices in CHINA, 1920s

Prices in CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1920s

Prices in DENMARK, 1920s

Prices in GERMANY, 1920s

Prices in GREAT BRITAIN, 1920s

Prices in GREECE, 1920s

Prices in HUNGARY, 1920s

Prices in IRELAND, 1920s

Prices in LATVIA, 1920s

Prices in MANCHURIA, 1920s

Prices in MEXICO, 1920s

Prices in NEW ZEALAND, 1920s

Prices in POLAND, 1920s

Prices in SPAIN, 1920s

Prices in SWITZERLAND, 1920s

Timeline -- Major economic events of the 1920s

"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


"75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935"
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis.
(Click image for detail)


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Marie Concannon, Government Information Librarian
Government Documents Department, Ellis Library
University of Missouri, Columbia
Phone (573) 882-0748