These call numbers are just places to begin. If you need something specific, it is best to look it up in MERLIN using author, title, or keyword, or to ask a librarian.
PH - PQ 2999: 3 CENTRAL
PQ 3000 - PZ: 2 EAST
Literature about poetry (criticism, philosophy, or theory) is found within the different languages/national poetry collections, or more generally in these call numbers:
PN1010-PN1389 Poetry
PN1031-PN1049 Theory, philosophy, relations, etc.
PN1065-PN1085 Relations to, and treatment of, special subjects
PN1110-PN1279 History and criticism
PN1301-PN1333 Epic poetry
PN1341-PN1347 Folk poetry
PN1351-PN1389 Lyric poetry
Poetry anthologies can be found (among other places) in PN6099-PN6110
All of these call numbers can be found in 3 CENTRAL.
You can search Literature Online (LION) for poetry.
You can look at the English: Language and Literature guide for more information on finding poetry.
Try call numbers PS301-PS326 and PS580-PS619, found in 2 EAST.
Try browsing in PR500-PR614 and PR1170-PR1228 in 2 EAST.
Use the call number ranges under the maps to the left to find where in Ellis these numbers are located.
Danish: PT7975-PT7994
Dutch: PT5470-PT5488
French: PQ1160-PQ1193
German: PT1151-PT1241
Italian: PQ4207-PQ4225
Norwegian: PT8675-PT8695
Old Norse: PT7230-PT7252
Portuguese: PQ9149-PQ9163
Russian: PG3230-PG3238
Spanish: PQ6174.95-PQ6215
Swedish: PT9580-PT9599