The quick links page shows those resources that were discussed in class. Please explore the other pages for more detailed information about a subject.
University Libraries
Journalism Library
Missourian Newspaper Collection
AP Stylebook
Journalism research guides - guides created for specific topics, such as photojournalism or resources for undergraduates. Browse through these to get a sense of how these guides can help in your research and reporting.
Reserve a Study Room
Find a Specific Article - use if you have a citation
Find a Database - look to find a specific database, such as Factiva
Find a Specific Journal/Newspaper/Magazine - type in the name of the journal and you will see a list of databases that contain that journal.
Inter-Library Loan - use to request articles and books we do not have access to
You can contact us for a question or two, or set up an appointment.
Vera Elwood
Head, Journalism Library
Sandy Schiefer
Journalism Librarian
The general journalism library phone is 573-882-7502. Call with questions on equipment, fines, requesting a book, scheduling a study room, etc.
Columbia Missourian website - 2014 to present
Columbia Missourian Digital Print Archive - Merlin or MerlinOne
New York Times - we have a subscription - contact a librarian or your editor for the username and password.
Wall Street Journal - we have a subscription - contact a librarian or your editor for the username and password.
News Databases
US Newsstream
Find a specific Journal/Newspaper/Magazine
Enter the name of the newspaper and you will receive a list of databases that contain that title. Each one will have the dates available.
Rolling Stone - Full Text Access
Columbia, MO Official Website (
Boone County, MO - Official Boone County MO Website (
State of Missouri Official Website (
Missouri CaseNet - Missouri State Courts Automated Case Management System
Columbia City Police Department
Boone County Clerk's Office - information on elections, polling, voter registration and all things related to elections. - Finance information on state and national candidates for election. - Information on candidates, voting, elections, analysis, and policy.
Factiva - Factiva provides access to more than 32,000 sources (such as newspapers, journals, magazines, television and radio transcripts, photos, etc.) from nearly every country worldwide in 28 languages, including more than 600 continuously updated newswires. It also contains business and financial data on companies from around the world.