This guide will detail how to access the Missourian and VOX magazine.
PLEASE NOTE: the physical location of the Missourian Library has closed. We will continue to offer reference services through the Journalism Library.
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Postcard of the "New Academic Hall" ca. 1900 (Courtesy of University Archives, University of Missouri: C:0/46/7)
"New Academic Hall" (AKA Jesse Hall) was the original site of the Missourian newspaper office. The original Academic Hall burned down in 1892, the same year that Jesse was constructed. The School of Journalism - the world's first! - began class at 8am on September 14th, 1908 and began work on the first issue of the Missourian at 10am the same day. Issue 1 of the Missourian was published by the evening.
(From The J School: Celebrating one hundred years in journalism and the Reynolds Journalism Institute, edited by S. Heiman (2010) and the University Archives "MU in Brick and Mortar" IMLS project)
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