Photo-driven columns and community journalism by Chris ZuppaPublication Date: 2003
This journalism master's project includes a professional work component and a research component. For the professional work component, the author created a weekly photo-driven column for the Columbia Missourian called Boone Life. A photo-driven column is "a picture with text written by the photojournalist. Although the text can be a caption, it is usually a short story." (p. 150) This column is an example of community journalism, which for the purposes of this project, "is journalism that seeks to educate a group of people with different values who share a sense of connectedness about themselves. ... Community journalism contains elements of 'strong human interest' from a 'found moment.'" (p. 5-6) The author was responsible for all aspects of the content--story ideas, picture-taking, writing, design. Field notes and copy of work are included. For the research component titled "The gatekeeper's perspective on photo columns," the author interviewed five editors and a designer from three newspapers of varying circulation which all had photo driven columns, in order to "gain a basic understanding of how editors, word and visual, as well as designers perceive photo columns" in comparison to photojournalists (p. 27) This section includes a literature review and interview transcripts.