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Linked ATU Tales: ATU 1200 - 1999 Anecdotes and Jokes

ATU 1200 - 1999 Anecdotes and Jokes

ATU Title AT Title Origin
ATU 1200 Sowing Salt 1200 Growing the Church British
  1200 People from Schwarzenborn Sow Salt German
  1200 Pevensey Follies British
  1200 Nicorbore and his Money British
  1200 Wiltshire Follies British
ATU 1201 Carrying the Horse 1201 People from Schwarzenborn Protect Their Seed German
ATU 1210 Cow is Taken to the Roof to Graze 1210 Biggest Fool African-American
  1210 Three Sillies 2 British
  1210 Three More Bigger Fools African-American
  1210 The Three Sillies English
  1210 Three Sillies 1 British
  1210 Parish Bull Eats the Grass from the Wall German
ATU 1213 The Pent Cuckoo 1213 Borrowdale Cuckoo British
  1213 Yabberton Yawnies British
  1213 Borrowdale Cuckoo English
AT 1215A Trying to Please Two Wives (new classification Ashlimann) 1215A When One Man Has Two Wives Arab
ATU 1229* Shoveling Nuts with a Pitchfork 1229* Six Sillies Belgian?
ATU 1231 The Attack on the Hare (Crayfish) 1231 Wise Men of Gotham 3 British
ATU 1241A Pulling Out the Tree 1241A Austwick Carles British
ATU 1242A Relief for the Donkey 1242A Loading the Ass Greek
  1242A Pal Hall's Quiffs British
  1242A Wise Men of Gotham 2 British
ATU 1244 Trying to Stretch the Beam 1244 Stretching the Bench German
ATU 1245 Sunlight carried in a bag into the windowless house 1245 Coggeshall Jobs British
  1245 Austwick Carles British
  1245 Silly Girl African-American
  1245 Three More Bigger Fools African-American
ATU 1248 Tree-Trunks Laid Crosswise on a Sledge 1248 Bolliton Jackdaws British
ATU 1250 The Human Chain 1250 People from Schwarzenborn Measure the Depth of the Well German
  1250 Moon in the Well British
ATU 1250 Human Chain (subsumed AT 1250B) 1250B Panikar's Blunder Indian
ATU 1255 A hole to throw the earth in 1255 People from Schwarzenborn Dig a Well German
  1255 Essex Men's Well British

ATU 1260 The porridge in the ice hole 1260 Porridge in the Whirlpool British
ATU 1263 The Porridge Eaten in Different Rooms 1263 Lutoniunshka Russian
ATU 1270 The Drying of the Candle 1270 Yabberton Yawnies British
ATU 1271C* Cloak Given to a Stone 1271C* Old Roadman British
ATU 1276* Prayer for a Change of Wind 1276* Answer to Prayer I British
ATU 1278 Marking the place on the boat 1278 Marking the Boat 1 British
ATU 1278 Marking the place on the boat 1278 Marking the Boat 3 British
  1278 People from Schwarzenborn Hide a Bell German
  1278 Marking the Boat 2 British
  1278* Whittle to the Tree British
ATU 1281 Getting Rid of the Unknown Animal 1281 The Owl German
ATU 1281A Getting Rid of the Man-Eating Calf 1281A Cow that Ate the Piper Irish
ATU 1282 House Burned Down to rid it of Insects 1282 Wise Men of Gotham 2 British
ATU 1284 Person Does Not Know Himself 1284 Where is the Jar? Israeli
  1284 Two Husbands Israeli
  1284 Puzzled Carter British
  1284 Eli Greek
  1284 Wrong Man British
  1284 Sean na Scuab Irish
ATU 1286 Jumping into the Breeches 1286 The Three Sillies English
  1286 Lutoniunshka Russian
  1286 Silly Girl African-American
  1286 Three Sillies 3 British
  1286 Three Sillies 1 British
  1286 Three More Bigger Fools African-American
ATU 1287 Numskull unable to count their own number 1287 Wise Men of Gotham: Of counting British
  1287 Counting Noses United States
  1287 The Wise Men of Gotham English
ATU 1288 Numskiulls Cannot Find Their Own Legs 1288 The Story of the Macandrew Family Celtic
  1288 Drovers Who Lost Their Feet Mexican
ATU 1291 One Cheese Sent to Bring Back Another 1291 Freddy and Katy Lizzy German
  1291 The Wise Men of Gotham English
  1291 Wise Men of Gotham: Of sending cheese British
ATU 1291B Filling the Cracks with Butter 1291B Foolish John and the Errands United States
ATU 1291A Three-legged Pot Sent to Walk Home 1291C Ivanushko the Little Fool Russian
ATU 1294 Getting the Calf's Head out of the Pot 1294 Calf's Head get stuck in the Gate British
ATU 1297* Jumping Into the River After Their Comrade 1297* Austwick Carles British
ATU 1305 Miser and His Gold (formerly AT 1305A) 1305A Damer's Gold Irish
ATU 1310 Drowning the crayfish as punishment 1310 The Wise Men of Gotham English
  1310 Wise Men of Gotham: Of drowning eels British
ATU 1310* Crab is Thought to be the Devil 1310* Lincolnshire Yellowbreasts British
  1310* Dabchick British
  1310* Shapwick Monster British
ATU 1310C Throwing the Bird fron a Cliff as Punishment 1310C Six Hungry Beasts Finnish
ATU 1314 Mistaking Harmless Objects for Dangerous Ones 1315 Po' Thing African-American
ATU 1316 Mistaking One Animal for Another 1316 Hunted Hare British
  1316 Difficulty fpr the Baby-Sitter British
ATU 1318 Mistaking a Person (Animal, Object) for a Supernatural Being 1318 Old Marster and the Hant African-American

ATU 1319 Pumpkin Sold as a Donkey's Egg 1319 Pedro Urdimale, the Little Fox, and the Mare's Egg Chilean
  1319 Horse's Egg British
  1319 Irishman and Punkin African-American
  1319 Mare's Egg British
  1319 The Story of the Macandrew Family Celtic
ATU 1319* Other Mistaken Identities 1319* We killed him British
  1319* Austwick Carles and the Watch British
  1319* Three Irish Tramps British
ATU 1319J* Fool Eats a Beetle Thinking it a Blueberry With Wings 1319J* Has Plummocks Legs? British
ATU 1321 Fools frightened 1321 Seven Swabians German
  1321 Henry S. of Trenit Heron British
ATU 1321C Fools are Frightened at the Humming of Bees 1321C Foolish German Russian
ATU 1322A* Grunting Ping 1322A* Jacob Stone and the Owl British
  1322A* Farmer Tickle and the Owl British
  1322A* Henpecked Husband British
  1322A* How Mr Lenine gave up Courting British
  1322A* Take Two wi' t British
ATU 1325A Fireplace Gives Too Much Heat 1325A The Story of the Macandrew Family Celtic
ATU 1326 Moving the church 1326 Coggeshall Jobs British
  1326 Moving the Church German
ATU 1327 Emptying the Flour Sack 1327 The Wise Men of Gotham English
  1327 Wise Men of Gotham: Of buying sheep British
ATU 1332 Which is the Greatest Fool? 1332 Greatest Fool of All Indian
ATU 1334 The Local Moon 1334 Cannings Vawk British
  1334 Slibburn-Mune British
ATU 1335 The Swallowed Moon 1335 Eaten Moon British
  1335 Old Moon broken up into Stars British
ATU 1335A Catching the Moon 1335A Darlaston Geese British
  1335A Coggeshall Jobs British
  1335A Wise Men of Gotham: Rescuing the Moon British
  1335A The Three Sillies English
ATU 1336 Diving for Cheese 1336 The Buried Moon English
  1336 Moon in the Well British
  1336 Moon in the Horsepond British
ATU 1336A Not Recognizing Own Reflection 1336A Looking Glass United States
  1336A Farmer and his Wife and the Mirror British
ATU 1339 Strange Foods 1339 First Banana British
  1339 Bahlul and the Sweetmeats Arab
AT 1345* Stories Depending on Puns (no ATU) 1345* Captain Silk British
ATU 1347* The Statue's Father 1347* Big Christ and Little Christ Mexican
ATU 1349* Miscellaneous Numbskull Tales 1349* Ivanushko the Little Fool Russian
  1349* Lancashire Follies British
  1349* Coat o' Clay English
ATU 1349D* What is Intelligence? 1349D* Irishman Shows Pat a Yankee Trick United States
ATU 1350 The Soon-Consoled Widow 1350 Loving Wife British
  1350 Shadow of the the glen Irish
ATU 1351 The silence wager 1351 He Who Speaks First French
  1351 Jamming Pan English
  1351 Jamming Pan British
ATU 1352A The Tale-Telling Parrot 1352A Parrot Italian
ATU 1353 The old woman as troublemaker 1353 Old Women Sows Discord German
ATU 1355 Man Hidden Under the Bed 1355 As Long as You Keep Your Legs Up Indian

ATU 1358A Hidden Lover Buys Freedom from Discoverer 1358A Lorenzo Dow and the Devil British
  1358A Hussary Stroke Hungarian
ATU 1358C Trickster Discovers Adultery 1358C Tom Totherhouse Norse
ATU 1359 Husband Outwits Adultress and Lover 1359 Cut Their Knockers Off! US Ozarks
  1359 Lion the Color of Yellow Silk Arab
ATU 1360C Old Hildebrand 1360C Song of the Thief Polish
  1360C Untrue Wife's Song United States
  1360C Old Hildebrand German
  1360C Little Dickey Milburn British
ATU 1361 The Flood 1361 Three Lovers United States
ATU 1362 The Snow-child (Modus Leibinc) 1362 Snow Boy US West Virginia
  1362 Woman Whose Husband Went to Mecca Arab
ATU 1365 The obstinate wife 1365 When Twice as Many is Half the Trouble Arab
ATU 1365A Wife Falls into a Stream 1365A How Madde Coomes sought his Wife British
  1365A Old Woman Against the Stream Norwegian
  1365A Contrary Wife English
  1365A Scissors European
ATU 1365B Cutting with the Knife or the Scissors 1365B Knife or Scissors British
  1365B "Scissors!" Egyptian
  1365B Scissors European
  1365B Stubborn Wife Russian
  1365B Wasn't she Spunky? US New England
  1365B Knife or Scissors English
ATU 1365C Wife Insults the Husband as Lousy-Head 1365C Quarrelsome Couple African-American
ATU 1365E Quarrelsome Couple 1365J* Bad Wife Russian
ATU 1375 Who can Rule His Wife? ????????????? 1366A* Grey Mare is the better Horse 1 British
  1366A* Grey Mare is the better Horse 2 British
  1366A* Looking for a Man Boss United States
ATU 1373 The Weighed Cat 1373 Djuha's Meat Disappears Arab
ATU 1375 Who Can Rule His Wife? 1375 Henpecked Husband British
  1375 Abu Nuwas and theCaliph's Queen Arab
ATU 1376A* How a Husband Cures His Wife of Fairy Tales 1376A* Cuchulainn and the Smith's Wife Irish
  1376A* How a Husban Weened His Wife from Fairy Tales Russian
ATU 1378B* Wife's Temporary Success 1378B* Mayoress Russian
ATU 1380 The faithless wife 1380 False Old Mawkin British
ATU 1381 The talkative wife and the discovered treasure 1381 Chatterbox Greek
  1381 Stroke of Luck Hungarian
ATU 1381B The Sausage Rain 1381B Silly Jack and the Factor British
  1381B Bahlul and the Owl Arab
ATU 1381E Old Man Sent to School 1381E Portmantle British
  1381E Old Roadman British
  1381E John and Sally British
ATU 1383 A Woman Does Not Know Herself 1383 Lawkamercyme British
  1383 Lawkamercyme English
  1383 Sean na Scuab Irish
  1383 Goosey Grizzel Norse
  1383 Giske Norwegian
  1383 Not a Pin to choose between them Norse

ATU 1384 The husband hunts for three persons as stupid as his wife 1384 Three More Bigger Fools African-American
  1384 Three Sillies 1 British
  1384 Some Wives are that Way Norway
  1384 Six Sillies Belgian?
  1384 Not a Pin to choose between them Norse
  1384 Th' Lad at went oot to look fer Fools British
  1384 Clever People German
  1384 Great Need United States
  1384 Woman Called Rice Pudding Arab
ATU 1385 A Foolish Wife's Security 1385 Ninety-nine Hens and a Rooster Greek
ATU 1385* Learning About Money 1385* Shining Fish Italian
ATU 1405 The Lazy Spinning Woman 1405 Lazy Woman German
  1405 Lazy Spinning Woman German
ATU 1406 Three Clever Wives Wager 1406 Two Husbands Israeli
  1406 Stupid Men and Shrewish Wives Norway
  1406 BelievingHusbands Scottish
  1406 Which was the Foolishest? Icelandic
  1406 Merry Wifes Danish
  1406 Gown in the Bathhouse Arab
ATU 1408 The man who does his wife's work 1408 The Husband who was to mind the House Norse
  1408 Old Man who lived in a Wood British
  1408 Old Man in a Wood British
  1408 Simple John and his twelve Misfortunes British
ATU 1415 Lucky Hans 1415 Jack's Wonderful Bargains British
  1415 Barter Russian
  1415 Mr Vinegar British
  1415 The Hedley Kow English
  1415 Gudbrand on the Hill-side Norse
  1415 Hans in Luck German
ATU 1416 The mouse in the silver jug 1416 Son of Adam English
  1416 Poor People Who Wanted to be Rich German
  1416 Son of Adam British
  1416 Clock British
  1416 Bob Appleford's Pig or Mind Your Own Business British
  1416 That's Not of Your Business British
ATU 1417 The Cut-off Nose (Hair) 1417 Wise Men of Gotham 3 British
ATU 1419B Animal in the Chest 1419B Gown in the Bathhouse Arab
ATU 1419C One-Eyed Husband 1419C Returning Husband British

ATU 1419H Woman Warns Lover of Husband by Singing Song 1419H Untrue Wife's Song British
  1419H Exorcism British
  1419H No Use to Rattle the Blind US Ozarks
ATU 1420A The Broken (Removed) Article 1420E Abu Nuwas and the Fur Cloak Arab
ATU 1423 The Enchanted Pear Tree 1423 Blind Man and his Wife British
  1423 Apple Tree United States
  1423 Bewitched Tree British
ATU 1425 Putting the Devil into Hell 1425 Jack and his Master British
ATU 1425B* Why the Seventh Child has Red Hair 1425B* Father and Mother Both "Fast" United States
ATU 1430 Man and His Wife Build Air Castles 1430 Lean Lisa German
  1430 Daydreamer Russian
  1430 The Broken Pot Indian
  1430 Lazy Heinz German
  1430 Buttermilk Jack British
  1430 Don't Count Your Chickens Arab
ATU 1430A Foolish Concerns for an Unborn Child 1430A Sievemaker and the Ass Greek
  1430A Lutoniunshka Russian
ATU 1440 Substituted Animal 1440 Squire's Bride Norwegian
AT 1447* Bathing a Dirty Person (no ATU) 1447* Body Scrub Egyptian
ATU 1450 Clever Elsie 1450 Clever Elsie German
  1450 Three More Bigger Fools African-American
  1450 Clever elsie German
  1450 The Three Innocents French
  1450 Six Sillies Belgian?
ATU 1451 The Thrifty Girl 1451 The Hurds German
  1451 Half-Cup of Tea English
ATU 1452 Thrifty Cutting the Cheese 1452 Best of Three United States
  1452 Choice of a Servant British
  1452 Choosing a Bride German
ATU 1453 Key in Flax Reveals Laziness 1453 Key in the Distaff Norwegian
ATU 1456 The blind fiancée 1456 Old Lady and Poor Eyesight United States
  1456 Nearsighted Old Lady African-American
ATU 1457 Lisping Maiden 1457 Seven Dumb Daughters Indian
ATU 1458 The Girl Who Ate So Little 1458 Man Who Was in Love with Two Girls Indian
ATU 1459** Keeping up appearances 1459** How One went out to Woo Norse
ATU 1462 The unwilling suitor advised from the tree 1462 Three Year Sleeping Boy Japanesse
ATU 1476A Prayer to Christ Child's Mother 1476A Maid who wanted to Marry British
  1476A Nowt but a Tailor British
  1476A The Girl from Brakel German
ATU 1479* Old Maid on the Roof 1479* Young Man in the Morning African-American

ATU 1510 Matron of Ephesus 1510 Old John and Young John British
ATU 1525 The Master Thief 1525 Clever Jack British
  1525 Maltman and the Poller British
  1525 Boy who outwitted the Robber British
  1525 Master Thief German
  1525 Ixte'que (The Thief) Mexican
  1525 Canny Jack British
  1525 Lothian Tom British
  1525 Jack the Cunning Thief Celtic
  1525 How Jack became a Master-Thief and married the squire's daughter British
  1525 Quare Jack United States
  1525 The Miser Russian
  1525 Rabbit and Fox go fishing African-American
  1525 Roclore United States
  1525 When Ben Sikran Owed Money Arab
ATU 1525A Tasks for a Thief 1525A Story of the Robbers Armenian
  1525A The Master Thief Norwegian
  1525A The Master Thief European
  1525A The Master Thief Norse
ATU 1525D Theft by Distracting Attention 1525D Shifty Lad Scottish
  1525D Soldier's Riddle Russian
ATU 1525G Thief in Disguise 1525G Quico and Caco Chilean
ATU 1525E Thieves Steal from One Another 1525H Robber's Cunning against another Robber British
  1525H Crack, Crook, and Hook Italian
  1525H Cheater-cheated Russian
  1525H Two Pickpockets British
  1525N King of Cheats Indian
ATU 1525Q Two Thieves Married to the Same Woman 1525Q Matching Wits Armenian
  1525Q Two Thieves with the Same Wife Afghanistan
ATU 1525L* Theft Commited While Tale is Told 1525Q* Song of the Thief Polish
ATU 1525R Robber Brothers 1525R Quare Jack United States
ATU 1526A Supper Won by a Trick 1526A Tom Tram British
  1526A El Achichinque Mexican
ATU 1528 Holding Down the Hat 1528 Pedro Urdimale Cheats Two Horsemen Chilean
ATU 1529 Thief as Donkey 1529 John Brodison and the Policeman Irish
  1529 Monks and the Donkey US West Virginia
  1529 Passover Miracle Israeli
  1529 Pedlar's Ass British
  1529 Metamorphosis British
ATU 1529A* Exchange of Horses 1529A* Rob Hall and the Gentleman British
ATU 1530 Holding up the Rock 1530 Tricky Yankee United States
  1530 Rabbit and the Coyote Mexican
ATU 1532 Voice from the Grave 1532 Porcupine Daughter Indian
ATU 1532A Innocent Man Condemned to Death 1532A Secret Tokens Prove Ownership Irish

ATU 1533 The wise carving of the fowl 1533 Dividing the Goose Russian
  1533 Test of the Chicken Armenian
  1533 Riddle Greek
  1533 King's Son and the Poor Man's Daughter US West Virginia
  1533 Just Deserts Arab
ATU 1534 Series of Clever Unjust Decisions 1534 Shemiaka the Judge Russian
  1534 Judge and the Baker Egyptian
  1534 Man with Many Court Cases Israeli
  1534 Rich Brother and Poor Brother Portuguese
  1534 Judgement of the Qadi Arab
ATU 1535 The Rich and the Poor Farmer 1535 John Outwits Mr. Berkeley African-American
  1535 Huddon and Duddon and Donald O'Leary Irish
  1535 Man with no Beard Greek
  1535 Monkey-Son Indian
  1535 The Little Peasant German
  1535 Pedro Urdimale Cheats Two Horsemen Chilean
  1535 Sheep for the Asking British
  1535 Peasant Pewit German
  1535 Ivanushko the Little Fool Russian
  1535 Big Peter and Little Peter Norse
  1535 Jack and the Giants British
  1535 Si'Djeha's Miracles Arab
ATU 1536 Disposing of a Corpse 1536 Dead Body Russian
ATU 1536A Woman in the Chest 1536A Whiteshirt Hungarian
  1536A Miserly Rich Man and the Unlucky Poor Man Chilean
  1536A Woman in the Chest German
ATU 1536B Three Hunchback Brothers Drowned 1536B Baker and Jack the Fool British
  1536B Pedro Urdimale and the Dead Priests Chilean
ATU 1537 The corpse killed five times 1537 Monk of Leicester British
  1537 Clever Lord Japanesse
ATU 1539 Cleverness and gullibility 1539 Story of Campriano Italian
  1539 Biter Bit European
  1539 Story of a Very Bad Boy French
  1539 Irishman's Hat English
  1539 Pedro de Urdemalas and the Gringo Mexican
  1539 The Wise Men of Gotham English
  1539 Clever Old Man Indian
  1539 Pedro Urdimale Cheats Two Horsemen Chilean
  1539 Cunning Shoemaker Italian
  1539 Pedro de Urdemalas and the Gringo Mexican
  1539 Peasant Sells a Cow as a Goat German
  1539 Schemer and the Flute US West Virginia
  1539 Si'Djeha Cheats the Robbers Arab
ATU 1540 The student from Paradise (Paris) 1540 Great Need United States
  1540 Jack Hannaford English
  1540 Jack Hannaford British
  1540 A Visitor from Paradise European
  1540 Ninety-nine Hens and a Rooster Greek
  1540 Woman Called Rice Pudding Arab

ATU 1541 For the long winter 1541 Thriftless Wife British
  1541 Hereafterthis British
  1541 Hereafterthis English
  1541 Good Fortune, and the miser and his wife British
  1541 Silly Girl African-American
  1541 Hoyik and Boyik British
  1541 Great Need United States
  1541 Simple Wife Arab
ATU 1544 The man who got a night's lodging 1544 Ben Sikran Improves the Couscous Arab
ATU 1544A* Soldier's Riddle 1544A* Soldier's Riddle Russian
ATU 1545 The boy with many names 1545 Pedro de Urdemalas and the House with Strange Names Mexican
  1545 Quevedo Works as a Cook Peruvian
  1545 King of Cheats Indian
  1545 New Hired Man US Ozarks
  1545 Pedro de Urdemalas and the Priest Mexican
ATU 1548 Stone Soup 1548 Soup from a Stone US New England
  1548 Friar and the Whetstone British
ATU 1551 The Wager that Sheep are Hogs 1551 Irishman Bets with a Bartender United States
  1551 Peasant Sells a Cow as a Goat German
ATU 1555A Paying for Bread with Beer 1555A Paying for Beer with Peanuts United States
ATU 1555B Wine and Water Business 1555B Trading Water for Rum US New England
ATU 1557 Box on the Ear Returned 1557 Box About British
ATU 1558 Welcome to the Clothes 1558 Eat Your Fill, My Fine Clothes Italian
  1558 Story of a Brother and a Sister Indian
ATU 1558 Welcome to the Clothes 1558 Djuha's Sleeve Arab
AT 1559B* The Uglier Foot (no ATU) 1559B* Uglier Foot Irish
ATU 1561 Three Meals in a Row 1561 Lad Who Was Never Hungry English
  1561 Useful Appetite British
  1561 Mean Rich Man United States
ATU 1562 "Think Thrice before you Speak." 1562 Father, I Think English
  1562 They took his Word! British
  1562 King Edward VII and the Salad British
  1562 Think Thrice before you Speak United States
  1562 King Edward and the Salad English

ATU 1562A "The Barn is Burning" 1562A Master and Servant British
  1562A Master of all Masters British
  1562A Easy Decree British
  1562A Pedro de Urdemalas and the House with Strange Names Mexican
  1562A Tom Ten per Cent British
  1562A Clever Apprentice British
  1562A Don Nippery Septo British
  1562A Barn is Burning African-American
  1562A Master of all Masters English
ATU 1562B* Dog's Bread Stolen 1562B* Priest's Laborer Russian
ATU 1563 "Both?" 1563 It Didn't Cost Him Nothing US Ozarks
  1563 Lose Your Temper, and You Lose Your Bet Italian
  1563 Pedro Animales Fools His Boss Chilean
  1563 The New or the Old Egyptian
  1563 New Hired Man US Ozarks
ATU 1567 Stingy Household 1567 Take a Pinch of Salt with it British
ATU 1567F Hungry Shepherd 1567F New Mexican and the Californians United States
ATU 1567G Good Food Changes Song 1567G Rate for the Job British
  1567G Hungry Mowers British
  1567G Farmer and his Man British
ATU 1571* Servants Punish Their Master 1571* Tailor, King, and his Servants British
ATU 1572C* "Don't Contradict Me!" 1572D* Quarrelsome Demyan Russian
AT 1575 Servant Pretends to be an Angel (no ATU) 1575 Tailor and his Apprentices British
  1575 John Drew, the Shoemaker British
ATU 1577* Blind Robber Paid Back 1577* Shopkeeper and the Four Blind Beggars Israeli
  1577* Porter Who Lost His Appetite Israeli
ATU 1585 The Lawyer's Mad Client 1585 Pierre Patelin: of him that paid his dept with crying "BEA" British
ATU 1588** Cheater Caught by Seizing on His Own Words 1588** Years Are as Days Israeli
ATU 1589 The Lawyer's Dog Steals Meat 1589 Lawyer's Dog steal Meat British
ATU 1590 The Tresspasser's Defence 1590 Roclore United States
ATU 1591 The Three Joint Depositors 1591 George Buchanan as Advocate British
  1591 Three Joint Depositors British
ATU 1592B Pot Has a Child and Dies 1592B Djuha Borrows a Pot Arab
ATU 1600 The fool as murderer 1600 Silly Jack and the Factor British
ATU 1610 Sharing the Reward 1610 Just Reward Russian
ATU 1611 Contest in Climbing the Mast 1611 Do that if You Can British
ATU 1612 The Contest in Swimming 1612 George Buchanan and the Drover British
ATU 1617 Unjust Banker is Deceived into Delivering Deposits 1617 Ashman's Money Armenian
ATU 1626 Dream Bread 1626 Man with the Pie Greek
  1626 Bakalawa Story Israeli
  1626 Three Irish Tramps British
  1626 Faith of the Three Fellows British
  1626 Dream Bread British
  1626 Two Psychiartrists Mexican

ATU 1628* So They Speak Latin 1628* Rich Man's Two Sons British
  1628* Rich Man's Two Sons English
ATU 1640 The Brave Tailor (Seven with One Stroke) 1640 The Tailor French
  1640 Foma Berennikov Russian
  1640 The Brave Little Tailor German
  1640 Jack the Giant Killer 1 British
  1640 Ivan the Simpleton Russian
  1640 The Brave Little Tailor Unattributed
  1640 Johnny Gloke English
  1640 Widow's Son Irish
  1640 Jack Strong, Slayer of Five Hundred Italian
  1640 John Balento Italian
  1640 Herr Lazarus and the Draken Unattributed
  1640 Outwitting Giants Armenian
  1640 John Glaick, the brave Tailor British
  1640 A Dozen at a Blow European
  1640 John and the Giants US West Virginia
  1640 Jack the Giant Killer 2 British
ATU 1641 Doctor Know-all 1641 Sham Wise Man Mexican
  1641 Goldhair Becomes Minister Chinese
  1641 Old Coon African-American
  1641 Clever Gypsy British
  1641 Doctor Know-All German
  1641 Peasant Astrologer Italian
  1641 Almondseed and Almondella Greek
  1641 Conjurer or the Turkey and the Ring British
  1641 Clever Irishman British
  1641 Robin's Escape Irish
  1641 Dr. Know-All German
  1641 Charcoal Burner Norwegian
  1641 Fortuneteller US West Virginia
  1641 Idle Ahmad Arab
ATU 1642 The Good Bargain 1642 The Good Bargain German
  1642 Irismen and the Frogs African-American
  1642 Bahlul and the Owl Arab
ATU 1643 Money Inside the Statue 1643 Giufa and the Plaster Statue Italian
ATU 1645 Treasure at Home 1645 The Pedlar of Swaffham English
  1645 Dreams of Gold Irish
ATU 1645A Dream of Treasure Bought 1645A Man Who Bought a Dream Japanesse
  1645A Man Who Bought a Dream Japanese
ATU 834 Poor Borother's Treasure 1645B* Fortune and the Wood-Cutter MidEast/Central Asian
  1645B* Laziness Rewarded Mexican
  1645B* God Will Provide Arab
ATU 1650 The Three Lucky Brothers 1650 The Three Children of Fortune German
ATU 1651 Whittington's cat 1651 Cottager and His Cat Icelandic
  1651 History of Whittington Unattributed
  1651 Three Pennies Russian
  1651 Whittington and his Cat English
ATU 1651A Fortune in Salt 1651A Salt Russian

ATU 1653 The Robbers under the Tree 1653 Mr. Vinegar English
  1653 Hereafterthis British
  1653 Quare Jack United States
  1653 Thriftless Wife British
  1653 Tinker's Wife British
  1653 Wedding Gift US West Virginia
  1653A Silly Girl African-American
  1653A A Visitor from Paradise European
  1653A Hereafterthis English
  1653B Fool and His Brother Mexican
  1653B Fool's Luck Armenian
  1653B Simpleton Brother,the Incense and the Magic Pipe Greek
ATU 1654 The Robbers in the Death Chamber 1654 Stingy and Naggy Egyptian
  1654 Miser Russian
  1654 Two Thieves Russian
  1654 Partnership of Thief and Liar Unattributed
  1654 Guifa and the Red Beret Italian
ATU 1655 The profitable exchange 1655 It Started with a Thorn Armenian
  1655 Pedro Urdimale Makes Exchanges Chilean
  1655 All Change European
ATU 1657 How the Jews Were Lured Out of Heaven 1656 Cause Bob British
ATU1663 Deviding Five Eggs Equally between Two Men and One Woman 1663 Just Deserts Arab
ATU 1675 The ox (ass) as mayor 1675 Ox as Mayor German
  1675 Peter Bull Danish
  1675 One-Eyed Cadi Israeli
  1675 Ox as Mayor Germany
ATU 1676B Frightened to Death 1676B Rider in the Brambles Mexican
  1676B Girl Who Died of Fright United States
  1676B Stake in the Graveyard Mexican
ATU 1678 The boy who had never seen a woman 1678 King Neptune's Diamonds US West Virginia
ATU 1681B Fool as Custodian of Home and Animals 1681B The Clever Servant German
  1681B Fool and His Brother Mexican
ATU 1142 How the Lazy Horse Was Cured 1682* Quick Ass Egyptian
ATU 1687 The Forgotten Word 1687 Stupid's Cries English
  1687 Stupid's mistaken Cries British
ATU 1689 "Thank God They Weren't Peaches" 1689 Thank God It Wasn't a Peso Mexican
  1689 Djuha and the Basket of Fig Arab
ATU 1689A Two Presents for the King 1689A Test of the Chicken Armenian
ATU 1692 The Stupid Thief 1692 Letter to the Almighty Israeli
ATU 1693 The Literal Fool - the Burning of Lanka 1693 Letter to the Almighty Israeli
  1693 Foolish Weaver Pushto

ATU 1696 "What Should I Have Said?" 1696 Clever Hans German
  1696 Village Fool United States
  1696 Stupid's mistaken Cries British
  1696 Arrant Fool Russian
  1696 Going Traveling German
  1696 What Am I to Say? Greek
  1696 Lazy Jack English
  1696 Jack's Rewards and what he did with them British
  1696 Giufa and the Wineskin Italian
  1696 Stupid Drover Mexican
  1696 Jock and his Mother British
ATU 1697 "We Three; For Money" 1697 We Ourselves Chilean
  1697 Three Foreigners British
  1697 Three Foreigners English
  1697 We killed him British
  1697 We Three Hielanmen British
ATU 1698 Deaf Persons and Their Foolish Answers 1698 Hard of Hearing: a Love Story US New England
  1698 She Who Understood Best Arab
ATU 1698B Travelers Ask the Way 1698B Deaf Man the the Pig Trough English
ATU 1698J The Misunderstood Greeting 1698J "Good Day, Fellow!" "Axe Handle!" Norwegian
ATU 1699 Misunderstanding Because of Ignorance of a Foreign Language 1699 I'll Take Two Indian
  1699 Buyer and the Seller British
  1699 Two Farmers United States
  1699 Englishman and Highlandman British
  1699 Our Wife Indian
  1699 Charity Will Save from Death Israeli
  1699 Fool United States
  1699 Rosary of Amozoc Mexican
  1699 Value of an American Thank You Indian
ATU 1700 "I Cannot Understand You" 1700 Old Gram Shaw United States
  1700 No Estiendo United States
  1700 Colored Man and the Mexicans African-American
ATU 1705 Talking Horse and Dog 1705 Farmer and His Ox English
  1705 Farmer and his Ox British
  1705 Things That Talked African-American
ATU 1730 Entrapped Suitors 1730 Painted Priests US West Virginia
  1730 Honet Wife Greek
ATU 1735 Who Gives His Own Goods Shall Receive it Back Tenfold" 1735 God Gives a Hundred for One Mexican
ATU 1735 Wrong Song 1735A Man that stole the Parson't Sheep English
  1735A Wrong Song German
  1735A Man that stole the Parson's Sheep British
  1735A The Priest ' s Pig French
  1735A Wee Boy and the Minister Grey British
ATU 1736A Sword Turns to Wood 1736A Blessed Be God Day by Day Israeli
  1736A King Matyas and the Hussars Hungarian

ATU 1737 Clergyman in the Sack to Heaven 1737 Incorrigible Youth British
  1737 Roclore United States
  1737 Canny Jack British
ATU 1738 The Dream: All Clergymen in Hell 1738 Old Charley Creed English
  1738 All Priests Go To Hell Mexican
  1738 Parson's Meeting English
  1738 Old Charley Creed British
  1738 Dream German
  1738 Crowdy of Highworth British
ATU 1738 The Dream: All Clergymen in Hell (subsumes AT 1738C*) 1738C* Three Premiers who went to Heaven English
  1738C* Two Chaps who went to Heaven English
ATU 1739 Clergyman and the Calf 1739 Man That Had a Baby US Ozarks
  1739 Gown in the Bathhouse Arab
ATU1741 Priest's Guest and the Eaten Chickens 1741 Clever Gretel German
  1741 Guest Who Ran Away Arab
ATU 1750 Hen Learns to Speak 1750 Talking Turkeys Arab
ATU 1777A* "I Can't Hear You" 1777A* I Can't Hear a Thing Mexican
ATU 1785B Needle in the Pulpit 1785B Damned Boys German
ATU 1791 Sexton Carries the Clergyman 1791 Old Woman who cracked Nuts British
  1791 Two Tailors British
  1791 Black and his Master British
  1791 Churchyard English
  1791 Three in One British
  1791 Mother Elston's Nuts British
  1791 Dividing Souls African-American
  1791 Bag of Nuts British
ATU 1804 Imagined Penance for Imagined Sin 1804 Confession United States
ATU 1824 Parody Sermons 1824 Tom's Conversion British
ATU 1827A Cards (Liquor Bottle) Fall from Sleeve of Clergyman 1827A Parson and the Cards British
ATU 1829 Living Person Acts as Image of Saint 1829 On Holy Week Mexican
ATU 1830 Producing the Weather 1830 Promising Candidate British
ATU 1831A* Inappropriate Acts in Church (formerly AT 1831) 1831A Angry Choir-Leader British
ATU 1832* Boy Answers the Clergyman 1832* Breaking the Commandments British
ATU 1832E* Good Manners 1832E* String of Trout Canadian
ATU 1832* Boy Answers the Clergyman 1832J* String of Trout Canadian
ATU 1883 Clergyman's Rhetorical Question Misunderstood 1833 Sermon on the Arrest of Jesus Mexican
  1833 Long-winded Preacher British
  1833 Curate and the Fool British
ATU 1833A What Does David Say? 1833A Parson and the Parrot British
  1833A What Did Paul Say? African-American
  1833A Parson and the Parrot English
  1833A Philip Spencer British
ATU 1883E God is Dead 1833E Wanted a Pup British
ATU 1835D* Wager: Clergyman to Read Prayer without thinking of Anything 1835D* Plowman that said his Paternoster British
ATU 1838 Hog in Church 1838 Pig in the Church German

ATU 1839A Clergyman Calls Out Cards (formerly AT 1839) 1839 Wold Forred British
  1839 Cock-fighting Parson British
AT 1840A Bull for a Saint (not ATU) 1840A Miracle of San Pedro Piedra Gorda Mexican
ATU 1840B Stolen Ham 1840B Miller's Eels British
  1840B Poetic Truth British
ATU 1842 Dog's Legacy 1842 Wayfarer and His Ass Israeli
ATU 1843 Clergyman Visits the Dying 1843 An Honest McGregor British
ATU 1847* Biblical Repartee 1847* Thieves and the Apples British
ATU 1848 Pebble for Each Sin 1848 Two Chips who went to Heaven English
AT 1848* A Stone for Each Mass (no ATU) 1848* Pious Man Irish
ATU 1848A Clergyman's Calendar 1848A Priest who made Baskets British
  1848A Resurrexi British
ATU 1862C Diagnosis by Observation 1862C Doctor's Apprentice British
ATU 1875 The Boy on the Bear's (Wolf's) Tail 1875 Tin Can on the Cow's Tail British
  1875 The Scalded Wolf French
  1875 Scalded Wolf French
ATU 1881 Man Carried Through the Air by Geese 1881 King of the Liars British
ATU 1881* Parrots Fly Away with a Tree 1881* Crows fly away with the Pear-Trees British
ATU 1882 The Man who Fell out of a Balloon 1882 Irishman Saves Himself First United States
ATU 1889A Shooting off the Leader's Tail 1889A Curt Goes Deer Hunting United States
ATU 1889B Hunter Turns Animal Inside Out 1889B Captain's Benson's Dog US New England
  1889B Don Bartolo Mexican
ATU 1889L Split Dog 1889L Amassa Abbey's Dog US New England
  1889L Appy Boz'll British
  1889L Dog and the Hares English
  1889L Dog and the Hares British
ATU 1890 The Lucky Shot 1890 Sir Gammer Vans English
ATU 1890F Shot Causes Series of Lucky/Unlucky Accidents 1890E Amassa Abbey's Circular Gun US New England
ATU 1891 Catching a Rabbit 1891B* Catching Hares in Winter German
  1893A* Two Hares 1 British
  1893A* Two Hares 2 British
ATU 1894 The man shoots a ramrod full of ducks 1894 Shooting Robins with a Ramrod US New England
  1894 Shooting Finches British
ATU 1895 A man wading in water catching many fish in his boots 1895 Thomas Moore Catches Shad in His Trousers US New England
ATU 1896 Man Nails the Tail of the Wolf to the Tree 1896 Cold Snap of '83 in Thebes United States
ATU 1900 How a Man Came Out of a Tree Stump (Marsh) 1900 What Darkens the Hole? African-American
ATU 1911A Horse's New Backbone 1911A Horse's Last Drunk Irish
  1911A Wool and Withies British
  1911A Basket-maker's Donkey British
  1911A Amasa Abbey's Horse US New England
ATU 1916 The Breathing Tree 1916 Major Brown's Coon Story US New England

ATU 1920 Contest in lying 1920 Tall Tale of the Merchant's Son Israeli
  1920 Four Fellows and their Three Dogs British
  1920 Great Lie Israeli
  1920 Rival Liars Greek
  1920 Finest Liar in the World Serbian
  1920 Man who Bounced British
  1920 Mark Twain in the Fens British
  1920 Man Who Bounced English
  1920 Cole-wort British
  1920 Seminole Medicine US Ozarks
  1920 Prize for Lying British
  1920 Long-Bow Story Indian
  1920 Three Turnips British
  1920 Village of Lies Greek
ATU 1920A "The Sea Burns" 1920A Mark Twain in the Fens English
  1920A Chilean Swindlers Chilean
  1920A Big Cabbage African-American
ATU 1920B I Have No Time to Lie 1920B Too Busy to Lie United States
  1920B Art Church Tells a Lie United States
ATU 1920D Liar Reduces the Size of His Lie 1920D Helping to Lie German
ATU 1920D* Climbing to Heaven 1920D* Village of Lies Greek
ATU 1920E Greatest Liar Gets His Supper Free 1920E Chilean Swindlers Chilean
ATU 1920E* Seeing (Hearing) Enormous Distance 1920E* Captain Benson Hears the Mouse on the Weather-Cock US New England
ATU 1920F* Skillful Hounds 1920F* Doctor Fell's Dog British
ATU 1920H Buying Fire by Storytelling 1920H If you don't like it, don't listen Russian
ATU 1927 The Cold May Night 1927 Cold May Night Irish
  1927 Cold May Night Ireland
ATU 1930 Schlaraffenland 1930 The Tall Tale from Ditmar (Lying Tale) German
  1930 The Tale of Cockaigne (Schlaraffenland) German
  1930 Chilean Swindlers Chilean
  1930 Rabbits baste themselves British
  1930 Sir Gammer Vans British
  1930 Wee Yowe British
  1930 Pynots in the Crabtree British
  1930 Jack the Giant Killer 2 British
  1930 One Sesame Seed Egyptian
  1930 I Saddled my Sow British
  1930 Thrawn Sang British
  1930 Down Underground British
  1930 Doun on yon Bank British

ATU 1940 The Extraordinary Names 1940 Household Servants German
ATU 1950 The Three Lazy Ones 1950 Three lazy ones German
  1950 Fimber Village Tales British
  1950 Who is the Laziest? Egyptian
  1950 Science of Laziness Italian
  1950 Twelve Lazy Servants German
  1950 Three lazy Ones British
ATU 1951 "Is Wood Split?" 1951 Is it Shelled? US New England
ATU 1960A Great Ox 1960A Threshing Flail from Heaven German
ATU 1960B Great Fish 1960B Appy Boswell Stories British
  1960B Fish Story US West Virginia
  1960B Pike with Long Teeth Russian
ATU 1960D Great Vegetable 1960D Mark Twain in the Fens English
  1960D Big Connecticutt Pumpkins US New England
  1960D Three Turnips British
  1960D Great Turnips British
  1960D Giant Parsnips British
  1960D Village of Lies Greek
  1960D The Turnip German
  1960D Mark Twain in the Fens British
ATU 1960G Great Tree 1960G Tall Tale of the Merchant's Son Israeli
  1960G Village of Lies Greek
ATU 1960 Great Animal or Object 1960Z Finn and the Dragon British
  1960Z Great Wind British
ATU 1962 My Father's Baptism (Wedding) 1962 When I was a Miller Hungarian
  1962 When I was a kid of Ten Hungarian
ATU 1965 Disabled Comrades 1965 Five Men British
  1965 Lying Tale British
  1965 Knoist and His Three Sons German