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Resource Linking for Librarians: Database Linking

Guide to best practices for linking in LibGuides, LibAnswers, Blackboard, email, etc.

Linking in LibAnswers and Email

When providing database links to patrons in email or LibAnswers, it is best to use the More Info URL rather than the direct database URL for several reasons:

  • If the database URL changes, the patron does not lose access if they have bookmarked that More Info URL because it will remain constant;
  • This URL can be bookmarked/saved to favorites and will work for off-campus users who must start a fresh proxy session when accessing; you cannot successfully bookmark the direct database URL for access off-campus for an extended period.

1.  Go to the MU Libraries' Databases page and find the database you want to use.

2.  Click on the [more] link that displays at the end of the database description.

3.  Copy the URL that displays in the address bar and paste it into the email/LibAnswers response.





LibGuides Notes

  • If you need to use a box other than Links and Lists, be sure that you are utilizing the correct URL for the database by copying the link location from the database page (including the proxy prefix for licensed resources).
  • When Rhonda sends out an announcement of database URL changes, you will need to double-check your links to ensure that they were updated in the global search and replace.

EbscoHost Search Results

EbscoHost provides a permanent URL that can be used to re-run a search strategy.

Run the search in the Ebscohost database(s).

Click on the Share link located on the right above the results list.

Copy the persistent link.  This link includes the proxy prefix, so there is no need to add it.