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This guide provides information on the integrated library system (ILS) FOLIO and integrated products.


FOLIO now on Quesnelia

Our FOLIO tenant was successfully upgraded to Quesnelia on Sunday, November 11 at 8am.

Check out these these resources for more information about what is available in this release.

  • Release notes
  • EBSCO Quesnelia Release Updates video (You must log in to your EBSCOConnect account to view).
  • EBSCO Quesnelia Release Updates video supporting slides (You must log in to your EBSCOConnect account to view).


OpenRS Downtime November 13-14

MOBIUS's ECS FOLIO tenant  (62 of the MOBIUS libraries) will be upgraded starting at 7pm CT on Wednesday, November 13th through 7am November 14th. Patrons cannot place OpenRS requests during the upgrade. EBSCO will place a message on the MOBIUS Union Catalog to let patrons know that the system will be down.

Library staff should not process any OpenRS/DCB transactions in FOLIO during the downtime. Staff should not check out/check MOBIUS items, renew MOBIUS checkouts or process MOBIUS requests.

*Please report issues with OpenRS/MOBIUS Union Catalog to Report OpenRS Issues.xlsx.  Contact  Katie Rahman if you do not have access to this document.

For more information about MOBIUS and OpenRS, visit the MOBIUS page.


EDS News

New EDS User Interface

EBSCO has introduced a new user interface. EBSCOConnect articles and documentation regarding the new UI can be found here.