Identify the industry in which your "idea" will compete
The federal government gathers industry information based on NAICS codes (formerly SIC codes). It is often easier to research industries if you know their classification codes. (Libraries and archives have an NAICS code of 519120. Internet search portals like Google would have a NAICS code of 519130.)
Check the Census Bureau for the latest business data
Locate company profiles, industry overviews, surveys, peer group analysis and reports
Provides information on companies, industries, stocks, mutual funds and the economy. Sources include Industry Surveys, Stock Reports, Bond Reports and Corporation Records.
Provides full-text for nearly 2,200 peer-reviewed and trade business journals. Also included are company profiles, industry reports, market research reports, and SWOT analysis.
Provides reports for U.S. industries as categorized by NAICS. It also includes reports on industries in Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, and the U.K. For the U.S., includes state industry reports and economic profiles.
Bloomberg Terminal in the Journalism Library