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Distance Learners

What is My Account?

Your account is connected to the libraries catalog and circulation systems. This means that when you log into your account, you will be able to save resources in Discover@MU to your account, see what interlibrary loans you have requested, and view all of the books you currently have on loan and their due dates. 


 This page shares information about:

  • Accessing your account
  • Loan periods
  • Book renewal information
  • Recalls, lost books, and fines

Video: My Library Account on the Library Catalog

Common Concerns

To see what books you currently have checked out, as well as their due dates:

  1. View "My Library Account" in the Library Catalog.
  2. Enter your MU username and password.
    1. MU username | (your username is your email address before the @ symbol)
    2. Password | (your password is the one you use to access your MU email)
  3. If your username does not work, enter your EMPL ID # preceded by a zero and followed by a lower case letter c [Example: 00426543c]. 
    1. Students | Find your EMPL ID # in myZou.
    2. Faculty or staff | Look up your employee ID number.
Staff, Professional
& Graduate
Books & Government Documents 4 months (5 renewals) 4 months (5 renewals)  1 month (2 renewals)
Number of holds allowed at one time in the UM LIBRARIES CATALOG* 30 30 30
Number of combined holds, check-outs, & in transit items allowed at one time in MOBIUS++ 30 20 20

*MU Faculty, Staff and Students may have up to 30 holds/request on books at a time in the UM LIBRARIES CATALOG (books from UMKC, UMSL, MS&T and MU). Once the books are checked out, additional holds/requests up to a maximum of 30 may be placed.

++All MU Faculty may have a combined total of 30 hold/requests and books checked out from MOBIUS Libraries. All MU Staff and Students may have acombined total of 20 hold/requests and books checked out from MOBIUS Libraries. In MOBIUS, books must be returned to the owning library and checked in before additional holds/requests may be made.

More information

  • Renew books up to two times by following the directions in the Library Catalog.
    1. View "My Library Account
    2. View Checked Out Items
    3. Renew All or Renew Selected items
  • At the third renewal, the material must be mailed or brought back to the MU Libraries.  It may be renewed on-site or returned to the lending library and re-requested.
  • You may also view any outstanding holds you may have or cancel all or any of them.

If a book is recalled, you must return the item before you can borrow anything else from the Libraries.

  • You will be liable for a $2 per day fine for the overdue recall.
  • Further delay will result in an invoice for the cost of replacement for an additional $175.

If you have questions about notices or have lost a book, contact Ellis Library Checkout and Information Desk at 573-882-3362.

Other campuses may charge for overdue items which have not been recalled.