A financial ratio is a ratio of two numbers of reported levels or flows of a company. It may be two financial flows categories divided by each other (profit margin, profit/revenue). It may be a level divided by a financial flow (price/earnings). It may be a flow divided by a level (return on equity or earnings/equity).
Provides information on companies, industries, stocks, mutual funds and the economy. Sources include Industry Surveys, Stock Reports, Bond Reports and Corporation Records.
Industry Norms & Key Business Ratios
REF HF5681.R25 I53, Ready Reference (ask at Reference Desk)
The information in this publication is organized by SIC code (see "SIC/NAICS Codes" tab for information on how to find industry codes).
The MU Libraries has copies of this publication going back to 1983/84.
Almanac of Business and Industrial Financial Ratios
REF HF5681.R25 T68 Ready Reference (ask at Reference Desk)
The information is organized by NAICS code (see "SIC/NAICS Codes" tab for information on how to find industry codes).
The MU Libraries has copies of this publication going back to 1975.
Factiva provides ratios, but only for the most recent time period. To access them, you'll have to search on the name of a company within that area, e.g. Amazon to find online retailing industry ratios.