Insider actions show the buying and selling of stocks by insiders, those who either run the company or sit on the board of directors.
Compensation tells you how much the insiders earn in compensation from the company. This information can also be found in the proxy statement or DEF 14A form filed with the SEC.
The SEC requires directors, officers, and owners of more than 10% of a class of stock file a statement of ownership. The initial filing is on Form 3 and changes are reported on Form 4. The Annual Statement of beneficial ownership of securities is on Form 5. The forms contain information on the reporting person's relationship to the company and on purchases and sales of such equity securities. These forms may be searched through EDGAR.
Search by company name (first option). After you've selected your company from the list of results, you'll have the option to filter the results by filing type. Enter either 3, 4, or 5 (depending on which you want) in that box and press search.