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ATU-AT-Motif: Religious Tales 750 - 849

Religious Tales - God Rewards and Punishes 750 - 779

This page shows how Thompson, AT, and ATU classifications are related. Go here for the full-text of the tales. 
ATU Classification Type  AT Classification Type  Thompson Motif
ATU 750A The Three Wishes AT 750A Good Wishes and Foolish Wishes K1811. Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals.
    D1761.0.2. Limited number of wishes granted.
    Q1.1. Gods (saints) in disguise reward hospitality and punish inhospitality
    J2071. Three foolish wishes.
    J2073. Same wishes used wisely and foolishly.
    J2072.3. Short-sighted wish: all he pulls on will follow.
    D2172.2. Magic gift: power to continue all day what one starts
ATU 750B Hospitality Rewarded AT 750B Hospitality Rewarded K1811. Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals.
    Q1. Hospitality rewarded -- opposite punished.
    Q141. Reward: man's cows magically multiply
ATU 750D God (St. Peter) and the Three Brothers AT 750D Three Brothers and their Gifts from Heaven K1811.1. Gods (spirits) disguised as beggars.
ATU 750H* The Notary Enters Heaven AT 750H* A Cardplayer Enters Heaven N221. Man granted power of winning at cards.
    E756.2. Soul won from devil in card game.
ATU 751A The Farmwife is Changed into a Woodpecker AT 751A The Greedy Woman Turned into a Bird K1811. Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals.
    D1652.1.2. Cake magically increases.
    Q292.1. Inhospitality to saint (god) punished.
    D153.1. Transformation: man to woodpecker.
ATU 751C* Wealth Leads to Pride AT 751C* Wealth Leads to Pride K1811.1. Gods (spirits) disguised as beggars.
    Q292.1. Inhospitality to saint (god) punished.
ATU 752A Christ and St. Peter in the Barn AT 752A Threshing with Fire K1811. Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals.
    J2411. Foolish imitation of miracle (magic).
ATU 753 Christ and the Smith AT 753 Christ and the Smith K1811. Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals.
    F663.0.1. Skillful smith calls self master of all masters
    E782.4. Horse's leg cut off and replaced.
    E121.2. Resuscitation by Christ.
    D1886. Rejuvenation by burning.
    J2411.1. Imitation of magic rejuvenation unsuccessful.
    A1861.2. Creation of monkeys: old woman thrown into fire.
ATU 754 Lucky Poverty AT 754 Money Bring Misfortune J1085.1. The happy friar becomes unhappier as he receives ever more and more money.
ATU 756A Self-Righteous Hermit AT 756A Self-Righteous Hermit Q553.2. Punishment: angel ceases to appear to self-righteous hermit.
    L435.1. Self-righteous hermit must do penance
    Q521.1. Doing penance till green leaves grow on a dry branch.
    F971.1. Dry rod blossoms.
ATU 756B Robber Madej AT 756B Recovering the Devil's Contract S211. Child sold (promised) to devil (ogre).
    F81.2. Journey to hell to recover devil's contract.
    N843. Hermit as helper.
    H1235. Succession of helpers on quest.
    H1273.1. Quest to devil in hell for return of contract.
    F771.1.9. House of skulls
    Q561. Punishments being prepared in hell.
    J172. Account of punishments prepared in hell brings about repentance
    Q520.2. Robber does penance.
    Q521.1.1. Penance: crawling on knees and watering a dry staff until it blooms.
    Q172.3. Man admitted to heaven as reward for penance
ATU 756C Two Sinners AT 756C The Greater Sinner Q520.1. Murderer does penance.
    Q211.1. Parricide punished.
    Q222.1. Punishment for desecration of host.
    V29.1. Search for confessor.
    Q521.1.2. Penance: carrying water in mouth from a distance and watering dry staff until it blooms.
    Q521.2. Penance: carrying bag of stones (one for each murder) on the back until it falls off.
    Q521.4. Penance: pasturing black sheep until they become white.
    Q523.5. Penance: planting garden and offering free hospitality to all.
    Q545. Murderer's penance complete when he kills a greater murderer and prevents a crime.
ATU 758 The various children of Eve AT 758 Eve's Unequal Children A1650.1. The various children of Eve.
ATU 759 Angel and the Hermit AT 759 Divine Acts Vindicated J225.0.1. Angel and hermit.
    C411.1. Tabu: asking for reason of an unusual action.
    C491. Tabu: expressing astonishment at marvel.
    J225.4. Angel (Jesus) kills man.
    J225.5. Angel kills man because he loves his child too much.
    J225.3. Angel takes cup from old man.
    J225.0.2. God punishes many men because of one sinner, like a man who kills hive of bees for stinging of one.
    U21.3. Man complains of injustice of gods' wrecking ship because of one man's sin
ATU 760 The Unquiet Grave AT 760 The Unquiet Grave E411.1. Murderer cannot rest in grave.
    Q211.3. Uxoricide punished.
    E411.0.2. Unquiet dead sinner taken to priest for absolution.
ATU 762 Woman with 365 children AT 762 Woman with 365 children T587.1. Birth of twins an indication of unfaithfulness in wife.
    T586.1. Many children at a birth.
    L435.2.1. Woman with three hundred sixty-five children.
ATU 763 Treasure Finders Who Murder One Another AT 763 Treasure Finders Murder One Another K1685. The treasure-finders who murder one another.
ATU 766 The Seven Sleepers AT 766 The Magic Sleep D1960.1. Seven sleepers.
ATU 767 Food for the Crucifix AT 767 Food for the Crucifix Q172.1. Child taken to heaven: offers food to crucifix
ATU 768 St Christopher and the Christ child AT 768 St Christopher Carries the Christ child Q25. Reward for carrying Christ across a stream.
ATU 769 The Child's Grave AT 769 A Child Returns from the Dead E324. Dead child's friendly return to parents
    E361. Return from the dead to stop weeping.
ATU 770A* Guardian Angel AT 770A* Guardian Angel V238. Guardian angel.
ATU 777 The wandering Jew AT 777 The wandering Jew Q502.1. The Wandering Jew.
ATU 777* The Flying Dutchman AT 777* The Flying Dutchman E511. The Flying Dutchman
    E511.1.1. Flying Dutchman sails because of cruelty.
    E511.1.2. Flying Dutchman sails because of pact with Devil.
    E511.1.3. Flying Dutchman sails because he defied the storm.

Religious Tales - The Truth Comes to Light 780 - 849

ATU Classification Type AT Classification Type  Thompson Motif
ATU 780 The Singing Bone AT 780 The Singing Bone
E632.Reincarnation as musical instrument.
D1610.34.Speaking musical instrument.
N271.Murder will out.
ATU 781 Princess Who Murdered Her Child AT 781 Bird Reports the Murder of a Child
B131.1.Bird reveals murder.
B215.Animal languages.
N271.4.Murder discovered through knowledge of bird languages.
Q211.4.Murder of children punished.
ATU 782 Midas and the Donkey's Ears AT 782 Emperor Who Had Goat's Ears
F511.2.2.Person with ass's (horse's) ears.
N465.Secret physical peculiarity discovered by barber
D1316.5.Magic speaking reed (tree) betrays secret.
ATU 785 Lamb's Heart AT 785 Who Ate the Lamb's Heart?
K1811.Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals.
K402.The lamb without a heart
J1141.1.1.Largest part of a prize to go to the guilty man
ATU 791 Christ and St. Peter in Night-Lodgings AT 791 St. Peter and Jesus Trade Places in Bed
K1132.Peter receives the blows twice.
ATU 800 The Tailor in Heaven AT 800 The Tailor in Heaven
A661.0.1.2.Saint Peter as porter of heaven. *
P441.1.Tailor occupies God's throne for a day.
F1037.1.Footstool thrown from heaven.
L435.3.Self-righteous tailor in heaven expelled.
ATU 801 Master Pfriem AT 801 The Fault-finder in Heaven
A661.0.1.2.Saint Peter as porter of heaven.
F13.Man admitted into heaven but must not find fault.
F171.6.3.Trying to get a beam through a door crosswise in otherworld.
H1023.2.Task: carrying water in a sieve.
F171.6.4.People in otherworld with horses both before and behind wagon.
Q312.1.Punishment for finding fault with God's works in heaven.
ATU 802 The Farmer in Heaven AT 802 The Peasant and the Rich Man in Heaven
E758.Rejoicing at arrival of rich man in heaven.
ATU 804 St. Peter's Mother Falls from Heaven AT 804 St.Peter's Mother
A661.0.1.2.Saint Peter as porter of heaven
F51.1.3.Stalk as sky-rope.
Q291.1.St. Peter's mother dropped from heaven because of hardheartedness
ATU 805 Joseph and Mary Threatens to Leave Heaven AT 805 Joseph and Mary Threatens to Leave Heaven...
V254.6.Joseph and Mary threaten to leave heaven when the man who has always prayed to them is refused admittance
ATU 810 The Snares of the Evil One AT 810 The devil loses a soul that was promised him
S211.Child sold (promised) to devil (ogre).
K218.1.Devil cheated by having priest draw a sacred circle about the intended victim.
D1381.11.Magic circle protects from devil.
G303.16.19.15.Devil cannot enter magic circle made to keep him out.
ATU 810A* The Priest and the Devil AT 810A* Devil Builds a Church in One Night
S211.Child sold (promised) to devil (ogre).
G303.9.1.6.Devil as builder of churches.
G303.16.19.4.Devil (Satan) flees when cock is made to crow.
ATU 812 The Devil's Riddle AT 812 The Devil's Riddle
M211.Man sells soul to devil.
H523.Test: guessing nature of devil's possessions.
H671.Riddle: what is sweeter than honey?
H672.Riddle: what is softer than swan down?
H673.Riddle: what is harder than stone?
ATU 813 Careless Word Summons the Devil AT 813 Careless Word Summons the Devil
C12.Devil invoked: appears unexpectedly.
ATU 815 The Devil Who Skins a Corpse AT 815 Keeping Watch at a Rich Man's Grave
D1381.11.Magic circle protects from devil.
K218.1.Devil cheated by having priest draw a sacred circle about the intended victim.
ATU 815* Shoemaker Who Made Shoes for the Devil AT 815* Craftsman Refuses the Devil's Money
K210.Devil cheated of his promised soul.
C12.2.Oath: "May the devil take me if."
G303.22.11.Devil as advocate of falsely condemned men.
Q45.2.Hospitality to devil repaid.
ATU 821B Chiickens from Boiled Eggs AT 821B Chickens from Boiled Eggs
J1191.2.Suit for chickens produced from boiled eggs
ATU 825 The Devil in Noah's Ark AT 825 The Devil in Noah's Ark
A1015.Flood caused by gods or other superior beings.
A1021.Deluge: escape in boat (ark).
K2213.4.2.Noah's secret betrayed by his wife
G303.14.1.1.Devil destroys Adam's work by night.
A2145.2.Snake preserved in ark: to stop hole with tail.
A2031.2.Flies on the ark.
A2214.3.Unicorn thrown from ark and drowned: hence no longer exists
A2232.4.Griffin disdains to go on ark; drowned: hence extinct.
F531.5.9.The giant on the ark.
C12.5.1.Noah's curse admits devil to ark.
A1853.1.Creation of mouse by devil in ark.
A2001.Insects from body of slain monster
ATU 826 List of Sins on Cowhide AT 826 Devil writes a lsit in Church
G303.24.1.3.Devil writes down names of men on a hide in church
ATU 830B "My Crops will Thrive Here Without God's Blessing" AT 830C If God Wills (now ATU 830B)
C454.Tabu: boasting that one has no need of gods' help.
ATU 831 The Clergyman in Disguise as the Devil AT 831 The Priest in the Goatskin
Q551.2.Punishment: animal skin grows on man's back.
ATU 832 The Disappointed Fisher AT 832 A Fish for Each Child
Q553.5.Punishment: small catch of fish for child-murderers.
ATU 834 Poor Brother's Treasure AT 834 Poor Brother's Treasure
N531.Treasure discovered through dream.
N182.Snake turns to gold in answer to dream.
D1454.Parts of human body furnish treasure.
ATU 836F* Miser and the Eye Ointment AT 836F* Miser and the Eye Ointment
D1323.5.Magic salve gives clairvoyance
D1331.3.1.Salve causes magic sight and blindness.
ATU 837 The Beggar's Bread AT 837 Wicked Landlord Poisons Own Son
N332.1.Man accidentally fed bread which his father has poisoned.
ATU 838 Son on the Gallow's AT 838 Thief Reproaches His Mother
Q586.Son on gallows bites his mother's (father's) nose off: punishment for neglect in youth.
ATU 839 One Vice Carries Other With It AT 839 The Greatest Sin
J485.Three sins of the hermit.
ATU 841 One Beggar Trusts God, the Other the King AT 841 One Beggar Praises God, One Praises the King
N351.Money (treasure) unwittingly given away.
ATU 844 The Luck-bringing Shirt AT 844  Happy Man's Shirt
N135.3.The luck-bringing shirt.
ATU 845 The Old Man and Death AT 845 The Old Man and Death
C11.The Old Man and Death.
ATU 846 Devil Always Blamed AT 846 Devil Is Blamed; God is Praised
K1811.Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals.
N111.4.1.Man thanks earth for saving his life; had he fallen into well he would have blamed Fortune.

Religious Tales - Heaven 800 - 809

ATU 800 The Tailor in Heaven AT 800 The Tailor in Heaven
A661.0.1.2.Saint Peter as porter of heaven. *
P441.1.Tailor occupies God's throne for a day.
F1037.1.Footstool thrown from heaven.
L435.3.Self-righteous tailor in heaven expelled.
ATU 801 Master Pfriem AT 801 The Fault-finder in Heaven
A661.0.1.2.Saint Peter as porter of heaven.
F13.Man admitted into heaven but must not find fault.
F171.6.3.Trying to get a beam through a door crosswise in otherworld.
H1023.2.Task: carrying water in a sieve.
F171.6.4.People in otherworld with horses both before and behind wagon.
Q312.1.Punishment for finding fault with God's works in heaven.
ATU 802 The Farmer in Heaven AT 802 The Peasant and the Rich Man in Heaven
E758.Rejoicing at arrival of rich man in heaven.
ATU 804 St. Peter's Mother Falls from Heaven AT 804 St.Peter's Mother
A661.0.1.2.Saint Peter as porter of heaven
F51.1.3.Stalk as sky-rope.
Q291.1.St. Peter's mother dropped from heaven because of hardheartedness
ATU 805 Joseph and Mary Threatens to Leave Heaven AT 805 Joseph and Mary Threatens to Leave Heaven...
V254.6.Joseph and Mary threaten to leave heaven when the man who has always prayed to them is refused admittance
ATU 810 The Snares of the Evil One AT 810 The devil loses a soul that was promised him
S211.Child sold (promised) to devil (ogre).

Religious Tales - The Devil 810 - 826

ATU 810 The Snares of the Evil One AT 810 The devil loses a soul that was promised him
S211.Child sold (promised) to devil (ogre).
K218.1.Devil cheated by having priest draw a sacred circle about the intended victim.
D1381.11.Magic circle protects from devil.
G303.16.19.15.Devil cannot enter magic circle made to keep him out.
ATU 810A* The Priest and the Devil AT 810A* Devil Builds a Church in One Night
S211.Child sold (promised) to devil (ogre).
G303.9.1.6.Devil as builder of churches.
G303.16.19.4.Devil (Satan) flees when cock is made to crow.
ATU 812 The Devil's Riddle AT 812 The Devil's Riddle
M211.Man sells soul to devil.
H523.Test: guessing nature of devil's possessions.
H671.Riddle: what is sweeter than honey?
H672.Riddle: what is softer than swan down?
H673.Riddle: what is harder than stone?
ATU 813 Careless Word Summons the Devil AT 813 Careless Word Summons the Devil
C12.Devil invoked: appears unexpectedly.
ATU 815 The Devil Who Skins a Corpse AT 815 Keeping Watch at a Rich Man's Grave
D1381.11.Magic circle protects from devil.
K218.1.Devil cheated by having priest draw a sacred circle about the intended victim.
ATU 815* Shoemaker Who Made Shoes for the Devil AT 815* Craftsman Refuses the Devil's Money
K210.Devil cheated of his promised soul.
C12.2.Oath: "May the devil take me if."
G303.22.11.Devil as advocate of falsely condemned men.
Q45.2.Hospitality to devil repaid.
ATU 821B Chiickens from Boiled Eggs AT 821B Chickens from Boiled Eggs
J1191.2.Suit for chickens produced from boiled eggs
ATU 825 The Devil in Noah's Ark AT 825 The Devil in Noah's Ark
A1015.Flood caused by gods or other superior beings.
A1021.Deluge: escape in boat (ark).
K2213.4.2.Noah's secret betrayed by his wife
G303.14.1.1.Devil destroys Adam's work by night.
A2145.2.Snake preserved in ark: to stop hole with tail.
A2031.2.Flies on the ark.
A2214.3.Unicorn thrown from ark and drowned: hence no longer exists
A2232.4.Griffin disdains to go on ark; drowned: hence extinct.
F531.5.9.The giant on the ark.
C12.5.1.Noah's curse admits devil to ark.
A1853.1.Creation of mouse by devil in ark.
A2001.Insects from body of slain monster
ATU 826 List of Sins on Cowhide AT 826 Devil writes a lsit in Church
G303.24.1.3.Devil writes down names of men on a hide in church

Religious Tales - Other Religious Tales 827 -849

ATU 831 The Clergyman in Disguise as the Devil AT 831 The Priest in the Goatskin
Q551.2.Punishment: animal skin grows on man's back.
ATU 832 The Disappointed Fisher AT 832 A Fish for Each Child
Q553.5.Punishment: small catch of fish for child-murderers.
ATU 834 Poor Brother's Treasure AT 834 Poor Brother's Treasure
N531.Treasure discovered through dream.
N182.Snake turns to gold in answer to dream.
D1454.Parts of human body furnish treasure.
ATU 836F* Miser and the Eye Ointment AT 836F* Miser and the Eye Ointment
D1323.5.Magic salve gives clairvoyance
D1331.3.1.Salve causes magic sight and blindness.
ATU 837 The Beggar's Bread AT 837 Wicked Landlord Poisons Own Son
N332.1.Man accidentally fed bread which his father has poisoned.
ATU 838 Son on the Gallow's AT 838 Thief Reproaches His Mother
Q586.Son on gallows bites his mother's (father's) nose off: punishment for neglect in youth.
ATU 839 One Vice Carries Other With It AT 839 The Greatest Sin
J485.Three sins of the hermit.
ATU 841 One Beggar Trusts God, the Other the King AT 841 One Beggar Praises God, One Praises the King
N351.Money (treasure) unwittingly given away.
ATU 844 The Luck-bringing Shirt AT 844  Happy Man's Shirt
N135.3.The luck-bringing shirt.
ATU 845 The Old Man and Death AT 845 The Old Man and Death
C11.The Old Man and Death.
ATU 846 Devil Always Blamed AT 846 Devil Is Blamed; God is Praised
K1811.Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals.
N111.4.1.Man thanks earth for saving his life; had he fallen into well he would have blamed Fortune.