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Altmetrics: Alternative Metrics for Measuring the Impact of Research


  • Plum Analytics displays in the sidebar of journal article and abstract pages in the database Scopus.
  • It only appears in the sidebar when there is data available for the article that you're currently viewing.
  • Additional information


  • Search millions of scholarly publications.
  • Look up articles and books in Dimensions to see their Altmetric badges and link to additional altmetric details.
  • Requires free registration with MU email address and then login with MU email address

Altmetrics icon in Dimensions

Web of Science

Usage Counts in Web of Science indicates the number of times users of Web of Science have viewed the full-text of an item or saved an item for use in a bibliographic management tool such as Endnote (via direct export or in a format to be imported later).

Two usage counts are available:

  • Last 180 days
  • Since February 1, 2013

Usage counts can be viewed on the right side of the list of search results and on the right side of the full record for an item.

IEEE xplore

Usage data and Altmetric badges are available in IEEE Xplore.

Plum Analytics tool for article metrics

To look up metrics compiled by Plum Analytics for a specific article:

Paste the article DOI at the end of this prefix:


Altmetric Bookmarklet

Tool for viewing altmetric data from selected publisher websites such as Nature, Springer, Elsevier and Cambridge.

  • Download from
  • Available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
  • Add bookmarklet to your bookmarks toolbar.
  • Provides altmetric data for articles with a single click.
  • Bookmarklet only works on PubMed, arXiv or pages containing a DOI including publisher sites like Nature, Springer and selected Elsevier journal titles.

Information provided by Altmetrics bookmarklet

Publisher sites

Publishers are starting to incorporate usage data into their journal web sites.

  • PNAS
  • Wiley (Look at the Information Tab for a specific article to find metrics information.)
  • PLOS One
    screenshot of PLOS One metrics link
  • Elsevier --Usage data provided through My Research Dashboard, a tool all Elsevier authors can access.

Sage Policy Profiles



  • Citation management system that provides readership statistics
  • Search Mendeley papers, a crowd sourced  catalog of journal articles, to locate readership statistics for specific titles