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Staff Web

Assessment Team


The charge of the Assessment Team is to gather and share statistics on library services and operations; seek input from the Libraries’ management team and department heads about new services or other information that needs to be assessed or tracked; in collaboration with LMT, provide general oversight for library surveys that reach general population groups such as all faculty, all students, etc.; implement assessments and surveys as needed; communicate results of surveys, user feedback, and trend analysis to the Libraries and to the campus community; investigate and recommend new assessment tools and practices for use by the Libraries, including national assessment instruments that might be considered for use; and partner, as needed, with the Library Committee and other campus units on conducting assessments or gathering data that relates to the Libraries.


Megan Ballengee  
Shannon Cary


Gwen Gray  
Navadeep Khanal  
Jeannette Pierce, team lead  

Caryn Scoville


Contact: Jeannette Pierce

Collection Steering Team


Assuming responsibility for all matters regarding planning, policies, processes, and priorities for managing the collections of MU Libraries.


Carla Allen, Campus Library Committee
Jeannette Pierce
Diane Johnson
Jenny Thompson, chair
Rhonda Whithaus
Jennifer Walker


Contact: Jenni Thompson

Copyright Team


The charge of the Copyright Team is:  to review the University Libraries copyright policy periodically (at least every 3 years) and revise as needed; to recommend revision of procedures related to copyright; to advise on copyright questions from University Libraries personnel; to serve as liaison to University legal counsel on copyright issues; to organize training for University Libraries personnel.


Anne Barker, coordinator
Cynthia Bassett
Cindy Cotner
Navadeep Khanal
Jeannette Pierce

Steven Pryor


Contact:  Anne Barker

Events and Exhibits Team


Shannon Cary - team lead

Megan Ballengee
PT Martin
Kathy Peters
Sheila Voss
Nicole Whyte


Representative from University Museum of Art and Archaeology

Representative from Museum of Anthropology

Representative from Teaching for Learning Center

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee


The Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee contributes to creating and sustaining an organizational environment that acknowledges and celebrates diversity and employs inclusive practices throughout the University of Missouri Libraries’ daily operations. To this end, the Committee investigates, evaluates, and shares best practices; connects library employees with campus efforts toward inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility; and supports creation of library spaces, collections, and events that are welcoming, supportive, and inclusive of underrepresented or marginalized groups.

Members Term
Gabe Harman, chair 2023-2025
Megan Balengee 2024-2026
Ashley Granger 2024-2026
Terri Hall 2021-2026
Paula Roper 2023-2025

Feedback/Suggestion Form

Contact:  Gabe Harman

LMT Liaison:  Shannon Cary

Library Undergraduate Research Contest Committee


The Library Undergraduate Research Contest Committee conducts and promotes the annual Undergraduate Research Contest. The goal of the Contest is to recognize and reward outstanding research conducted by Mizzou undergraduates. Committee members review the submissions and judge projects primarily on the research process method and the materials and services used.

Members Term
Rachel Brekhus 2024-2026
Ashley Granger 2023-2025
Mara Inge 2023-2025
Steven Pryor 2024-2026
Amanda Sprochi 2023-2025


LMT Liaison: Jeannette Pierce

Marketing Team

Megan Ballengee
Shannon Cary
Taira Meadowcroft

Contact: Shannon Cary

MU Libraries Staff Association

Election of Executive Board officers is in May of each year at the annual membership meeting.  All members are allowed to vote.  Elected officers assume their duties on June 1st.  Members of the Executive Board meet once a month.  To find out more about what MULSA officers do, check our job descriptions.

President – Presides at all meetings, appoints special committees.

  • Tammy Green

Vice President/President Elect – Assists president in carrying out work of the Association. Assumes Presidency during second year of term.

  • vacant

Secretary – Records and distributes minutes, keeps MULSA records

  • Taira Meadowcroft

Treasurer – Maintains the financial records of MULSA, including keeping the books and authorizing and writing checks.

  • Ying Hu

Courtesy Chair – Extends congratulations or condolences to employees in the form of cards, gifts or flowers.

  • Vacant

MUSE Editors – Responsible for the publication of the staff newsletter, The Muse.

  • Joel Kramer

  • Sharon Gaughan

Ellis Staff Lounge Chair – Responsible for cleaning and maintaining the staff lounge, vending machine refunds.

  • Paula Roper

Social Chair – Primary organizer for all social activities.

  • Mara Inge

Book Sale Co-Chairs – Coordinate the year-round book sale, the main income driver for the MU Libraries Staff Association.  Maintain relationships with our partners, and organize volunteers to assist in moving and separating books.

  • Rachel Brekhus
  • Gwen Gray

Community Service Chair – Organizes fundraising activities and community outreach programs.

  • Vacant

Staff Room Co-Chair - Manages maintenance and announcements pertaining to the Staff Lounge

  • Paula Roper
  • vacant

MULSA Sharepoint Site
MULSA Web Site

MULAC Officers and Committees 2024-2025

Officers 2024-2025

MULAC Executive Committee

  • Chair: Seth Huber
  • Vice-Chair: Katie Rahman
  • Recorder: Jill Kline
  • Faculty Council Representative: Noël Kopriva
  • NTT Standing Committee Representative: John Henry Adams

Administrative Affairs, Policy, and Nomination Committee (AAPN)

  • Haley Lykins
  • Mara Inge
  • Nicole Merzweiler

Welfare and Professional Development (WPD)

  • Jennifer Walker
  • Megan Ballengee
  • Michaelle Dorsey

Promotion Committee

  • Caryn Scoville
  • Abbie Brown
  • Jenny Thompson
  • Paula Roper
  • Cindy Cotner
  • 1st alternate: Anselm Huelsbergen
  • 2nd alternate:

MULAC Teams site

MULAC Sharepoint Site

Patron Data Privacy Task Force (Spring 2021-)


The charge of this committee is:  to review and document patron data currently collected, including how patron data is collected, kept, used, and shared; to create a model for data transparency with users; recommend updates to Policy 41 – Confidentiality of Library Records; and to identify if there are patron data privacy issues that were not addressed by the task force that should be a continuing priority and recommend strategies to address these issues going forward.

Cindy Cotner  
Burt Fields  
Navadeep Khanal  
Jeannette Pierce  
Ernest Shaw  
Rhonda Whithaus, chair  

Contact:  Rhonda Whithaus

Outreach and Engagement Committee


The Outreach and Engagement Committee improves outreach efforts and effectively plans, creates and promotes successful outreach, engagement, programming and events throughout he year across MU Libraries.


John Henry Adams    2024-2025
Jara Anderson           2024-2025
Megan Ballangee      ex-officio
Ashley Granger         2024-2026
Gabe Harman            2024-2025
Janet Hilts                 2024-2025
Jill Kline                     ex-officio
Taira Meadowcroft    ex-officio
Paula Roper              2024-2026
Jennifer Walker         2024-2026   

Contact: Megan Ballengee    

Membership consists of librarians and classified staff with representation from each library division to the extent feasible with 8-12 members. Length of term for committee membership is two years.

  • Administration
  • Acquisitions, Collections & Technical Services
  • Health Sciences & Specialized Libraries
  • Research, Access & Instructional Services
  • Special Collections and Archives

Ex-Officio members: Community Engagement Coordinator and Public Health & Community Engagement Librarian and a Teaching and Learning Department Librarian.


Scholarly Communication Team

Team Members  
Rachel Alexander, vice chair  
Anne Barker  
Janice Dysart  
Kimberly Moeller  
Jeannette Pierce  
Steven Pryor, chair  


Contact: Steven Pryor

Social Media Team

Team Members  
Shannon Cary  
Taira Meadowcroft  

Jara Anderson


John Henry Adams

Gabe Harman



Contact: Taira Meadowcroft

Staff Advisory Group (SAG)

Officers Term
Jara Anderson, Chair 2022-2023
open, Vice Chair 2022-2023
Jennifer Walker, Recorder 2022-2023

Contact:  Jara Anderson

Staff Advisory Group Sharepoint Site

Staff Development Committee

The Committee will enhance the Libraries’ capacity to meet user needs by fostering a learning environment and an environment in which we work collegially in innovation, problem solving, decision making, and implementation; encourage lifelong individual development; and improve library staff’s potential for advancement and promotion.The Committee will serve as an advisory committee to the Library Management Team in all areas of staff development and continuing education for the MU Libraries staff.  The Committee will work in coordination with the Staff Advisory Group (SAG) Officers to plan and develop activities and training to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of library staff.

The Staff Development Committee will consist of six staff, with a minimum of two academic staff and two support staff.  The current chair of SAG will be an ex-officio member.

Members Term
Ying Hu, Chair 2023-2025
Jara Anderson, SAG Chair ex offico
Abbie Brown 2023-2025
Colleen Smith 2023-2026
Rhonda Whithaus 2023-2026


LMT Liaison:  Kathy Peters

Web Team

The Web Team assumes responsibility for matters regarding planning, policies, processes and priorities for developing and maintaining the online presence of the University of Missouri Libraries in all its web content and intersecting components.


John Henry Adams
Shannon Cary
Janice Dysart
Gwen Gray
Navadeep Khanal, chair
Caryn Scoville
Ernest Shaw
Michael Spears
Mathew Stephen
Rhonda Whithaus


WAG Charge

Web Site Feedback Form: Please send in updated information, suggestions for changes, and any errors or problems you may encounter with the entire MU Libraries website. Thanks!