Guests in Ellis Library may request a login at the Checkout & Information Desk by the north entrance. There are two guest PC computers in the Information Commons, located on the south side of the first floor, behind the Ready Reference section. Look for the large alcove area with "James B. Nutter Information Commons" etched on the glass. There is a two-hour time limit on using these computers. Guests must comply with the Visitor Guest Account for Computer Access Acceptable Use Agreement, Please read the following policies for more information:
The Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) is not available for non-MU users due to campus license restrictions.
Printing for a fee is available from guest workstations in Ellis Library. Print jobs may be picked up and paid for ($0.15 per page) at the Checkout & Information Desk, 1st floor, Ellis Library. Documents should be emailed to Color printing is not available. There is a 50 pages/day limit for each guest. We can only accept cash for payment.
Internet Access in Columbia
The Columbia Public Library at Garth and Broadway provides Internet access to community users. Click here for a map. If you have a current library card, you automatically have a library account. If you don’t, you may stop by the Media Desk on the first floor to register for an account. The library also has a time limit on their computers. The public library also provides free wireless internet access.
Due to high demand for public computers caused by the increased enrollments at MU and because funding for the computers comes from student Instructional Technology Fees (ITF), the MU Libraries must ensure that current UM students, faculty and staff have sufficient access to online resources. The MU Libraries will continue to support the information and research needs of all users, but we must limit the amount of time computers are used by guests and visitors in order to meet the needs of students and researchers from the University.
The following guidelines will govern visitor use of public computers in Ellis Library.
Current University of Missouri students, faculty and staff will be able to sign-on to any public computer in Ellis Library using their current UM email ID and password. Upon logon, they will be permitted full access to the Libraries’ online resources, to the Internet, and to selected software licensed exclusively for University affiliates. UM students, faculty and staff have priority on all computers.
Certain computers designated for Library Catalog access are not restricted, so that all users may identify holdings in the Libraries’ collections quickly.
Visitors to Ellis Library are eligible to use computers under the following guidelines:
Appendix A
Ellis Library Visitor Guest Account for Computer Access
Acceptable Use Agreement
Ellis Library Visitor Guest Account holders agree to respect the following rules governing acceptable use of the MU resources.
The University of Missouri-Columbia prohibits use of its resources under the following circumstances:
The University has official policies regarding acceptable computer use, which is policy 110.005 Acceptable Use Policy.
The following is considered unauthorized use and is prohibited:
Parents or Legal Guardians of minors understand that they are responsible for the information accessed on the Internet by the minor and that the University of Missouri-Columbia does not utilize filtering software. MU Libraries employees do not monitor, nor do they have control over, material and information accessed on workstations within the Libraries. Parents or Legal Guardians ( not University or Library employees) are responsible for a minor’s use of all resources in the MU Libraries, including access to Internet workstations.
For additional information email