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Maps and Geographic Information Systems: Home

Tips, techniques & links to help you find answers for your research papers & projects

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Finding Maps in the Library Catalog


Use the Advanced Search.

  • In the Limit To area, choose Print Map as a Material Type
  • Enter the location in the search box (state, city and state, park, river, etc.) Examples are "Denali national park,"  "Boone County Missouri,"  or "Cape Canaveral."

Use the Basic Keyword

  • search by adding the term "map" to any location or keyword (eg. "map Spain" or "poverty map")
  • If the item is a map, the map icon will be shown on the right of each row.
  • A book is indicated with a book icon. Some books may contain also maps of interest. Click on each item to view details; the Description line will indicate if the book has a map.

Maps and Geography

Maps can help us understand the world, our state and our neighborhood. Maps can show demographic data about the people who live in an area. Maps can convey environmental and geologic data. City managers use maps to plan for roadways, sidewalks and parks. Historians use maps to document migration or land use over time. Agriculture researchers use maps to look at soil types, vegetation and tree growth. Biologists use maps to track wildlife populations. Sociologists use maps to learn how the local environment may affect human behavior. Click on the tabs above to see how maps can be used to explore and explain complex ideas.

For research into geography, please visit the Guide to Geography Resources.

Basic and Outline Maps

Road Maps

A Missouri road map is available at the Reference Desk in Ellis Library.

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