This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than an abundance of journals and covers extensive academic disciplines and provides comprehensive content, including PDF back-files, videos, and searchable cited references.
Provides access to scholarly journals in the arts and sciences. Contains a digital library of images, previously known as ARTStor, in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images.
An art research database containing full-text art journals, books, periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins published primarily in the U.S. and Europe. It covers art history, design, as well as photography, film and architecture.
A digital library of images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images. Integrated with JSTOR, which includes access to scholarly journals in the arts and sciences.
Indexes and provides full text access to government information dating to 1789. Content is sourced mainly from Congress and its committees, but some executive branch reports to Congress are also included. Document types include hearings, congressional committee prints, House and Senate documents and reports, Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and more. For a complete description of ProQuest Congressional contents, coverage, and update frequency, consult the Content Coverage Chart on the database’s main search screen.
Provides access to full-text letters & diaries by North American women from colonial times to 1950. This collection includes the immediate experiences of 1,325 women and 150,000 pages of diaries and letters.
Searchable full-image of the Chicago Defender (1909-2010), Chicago Tribune (1849-1999), Los Angeles Times (1881-2000), St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1874-2003), New York Times (1851-2020), Wall Street Journal (1889-2012), Washington Post (1877-2007), Kansas City Call (1919-2010), Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2010), and the St. Louis American (1949-2010).
Contains comprehensive indexing of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States and reflects the history of 20th century America.