Contains digitized primary sources related to African American communities in the North, South and the Midwest. Included are documents pertaining to the Pruitt-Igoe housing project, various urban issues around schools, housing and police relations, interviews with key figures in the African-American arts scene in Atlanta, and a complete run of The Messenger.
Coverage Dates: Early 19th to early 21st century
Maximum Users: Unlimited
Truncation: *
Offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue. Coverage includes 1909-2010. For post-2010 issues, see the links in the MU Libraries' journal finder.
Provides access to thousands of original manuscripts, pamphlets, books, paintings and maps in high quality greyscale and color. All printed items are fully text-searchable and manuscripts have document-level indexing. Themes covered include: Slavery in the Early Americas, African Coast, Middle Passage, Slavery and Agriculture, Urban and Domestic Slavery, Slave Testimony, Spiritualism and Religion, Resistance and Revolts, Underground Railroad, The Abolition Movement and the Slavery Debate, Legislation and Politics, Freed Slaves, Freedmen and Free Black Settlements, Education, Slavery and the Islamic World, Varieties of Slave Experience and The Legacy of Slavery and Slavery Today.