The law of Antitrust is over 100 years old. It came about in response to the development of trusts: a tool corporations used to cooperate. The legislature feared that said cooperation would have anticompetitive effects, and as such developed a set of laws, which became known as antitrust, to counteract the restraint of trade. Since its introduction, antitrust has broadened in scope and application, and has become force every corporation need reckon with. For this reason, the law of antitrust is something the corporate lawyer needs to be familiar with.
This research guide is intended to function as an overview of the law of antitrust on a federal level, and for use as a tool for those who wish to stay abreast of modern developments in the field. Those who are new to the law of antitrust will find it to be a helpful introduction to those sources which are available to them, and a guide as to which sources and a databases are likely to be the most beneficial to them. Antitrust veterans may use the guide as a refresher, to diversify their resources, and to stay updated. Look inside to find blogs, treatises, guides, and more.
This research guide has been divided into tabs according to focus area and source type. The guide user need only click on the tabs to discover citations, links, and annotations which will introduce them to resources available in the world of Antitrust Law. In addition to primary and secondary sources, the guide provides reference to blogs and modern commentary, which will keep the reader abreast of recent developments in antitrust law. The user who is unfamiliar with antitrust research or legal research in general, might consider going to the research problems tab, which offers guides to some basic research questions.
Antitrust is a complicated and vast area of the law. It was created by statute, is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission, and has been subjected to a lot of judicial interpretation. For that reason a reader might consider quickly reviewing the primary sources which govern antitrust, before moving onto secondary sources. Skimming a simple guide or handbook will make the reader aware of the many issues which apply to antitrust. From there the reader can investigate further into those issues which are of the most interest to them. To that end, a chapter in a treatise might be helpful.