Fill out this brief form to share information with your colleagues about sessions/readings/videos/courses that were useful to you.
Your recommendation will be posted in News Notes.
The opportunities listed on this page are suggestions, not requirements or the only opportunities available.
If you identify an opportunity not listed on this page, contact Sheryl Cullina to verify it will qualify for a raffle ticket.
The University of Missouri System offers access to the SkillSoft MyLearn ebooks to employees.
Access is available via myHR.
Some online books have been identified that might be useful to many employees. Those titles have been added to the MU Libraries folder so that they are easy to find. However, you can review the other ebooks available to identify others of interest.
To identify other ebooks, click on Browse The Library and select a category of interest.
The MU Office of Inclusion, Diversity & Equity maintains a list of books recommended by students, staff and faculty.
You can also recommend books to add to the list and leave comments about any titles on the list.
The MU Libraries and the MU Law Library are partnering for the One Read program.
Infamy: The Shocking Story of the Japanese American Internment in World War II by Richard Reeves
There will be multiple events throughout the year. Details will be posted to the One Read site and announcements will be posted in News Notes or to the MULIBSTAFF list.