1. One-Sentence Summary
Requires student to organize new information and put it in a new format
2. Concept Maps
A more free-form way for students to demonstrate understanding and synthesis of a new idea
3. Invented Dialogues
Ask students to synthesize new information and consider how they will discuss it with a particular audience
Students need to understand a new difficult concept, including threshold concepts
This assessment works best when students are told at beginning that they will be asked to respond and are given a table with guiding questions that students can takes notes during presentation
Question about a given topic:
Does what
To whom
How and
Allows students to “chunk” information that can be recalled---synthesize answer into a single sentence
EXAMPLE: How do scholarly articles get published?
Who? = Researcher
Does what? = Publish
To what or whom?=Their findings
When?=Once research is finished
Where?=in scholarly journals within their fields
How?=after peers have reviewed their methods and results
Why? to disseminate information and further the scholarly conversation
SENTENCE=Researchers publish their findings once research is finished in scholarly journals within their fields, after peers have reviewed their methods and results, in order to disseminate information and further the scholarly conversation.
Concepts maps=drawings, flowcharts, diagrams showing mental connections between major concept and related concepts.
Used at various points in research process---can be used to visualize the research process; to narrow a broad topic, etc.
First-Year Writing Course (English 1000) _______________________ Upper-Division Course Another example
By inventing dialogues, students synthesize understanding of a concept into a structured and illustrative conversation.
Popular versus Scholarly Articles (First Year Students)
After teaching about differences between popular and scholarly articles, librarian gives students the following assignment:
Imagine you have to teach a group of new university students the difference between popular and scholarly articles.
How would you explain this concept to them?
What information would you need to know to located scholarly sources through the university library?
Include both sides of the dialogue, with questions the new students would ask