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Geology Graduate Guide: Home

About the Library

*The Geological Sciences library is located in room 201 of the Geological Sciences Building.

*Feel free to browse the stacks for books or use the MERLIN catalog to find a specific book.

*Need a book that is not available at the Mizzou libraries? Check the MOBIUS catalog to request it from a different Missouri library.

Created By

Julie Arndt

Graduate Assistant

Feb. 2013


Use these databases to find articles and journals on any Geology topic.

Miscellaneous Resources

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Stephen Stanton
201 Geological Sciences

(573) 882-4860
Subjects: Geology

Citation Tools

Management tools like EndNote and Zotero allow you to save and store not only the citation and abstract information from articles, books and other materials, but often links to the actual fulltext of articles.  These tools allow you to create your bibliography while you write and provide many other features.