Worldcat (most U.S. libraries)
If you cannot locate available copies of a book in MOBIUS, you can go beyond Missouri by searching the Worldcat database. If a book is available ONLY from libraries outside of MOBIUS, log into ILL@MU and order the book.
The information needed to locate the physical book is found in the box. The left column shows which campus library has the book: MU Ellis. The middle column contains the call number: BR 1716. B7 W4 1987. The right column tells you whether the book is on the shelf or checked out. Not checked out means the book is available.
If a book you want is checked out, use the Search MOBIUS button in the center to expand your search to other libraries in Missouri. You can request books from other libraries and they will be sent to you at the Circulation Desk.
If you know EXACTLY what book you want, use the Find a Specific Book search on the left sidebar of the MU Libraries home page.
A database of encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.