Linguistics at MU is an interdisciplinary program staffed by faculty from various departments, including English, Philosophy, and Communication. The program offers an undergraduate major and minor as well as a graduate minor.
This guide is intended as an introduction to finding resources on linguistics at the MU Libraries and beyond. Click on the gold tabs above to find the information you need.
Please feel free to submit suggestions for additional resources to add to this page, or email the subject librarian with book requests.
This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than an abundance of journals and covers extensive academic disciplines and provides comprehensive content, including PDF back-files, videos, and searchable cited references.
Provides access to scholarly journals in the arts and sciences. Contains a digital library of images, previously known as ARTStor, in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images.
Contains references to articles in periodicals, technical reports, dissertations, and other materials in psychology and related behavioral and social sciences. Contains full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association.
Created by Emily Smart, Graduate Reference Assistant 2011-2012.