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To find Civil War information from Congress, it is first helpful to first understand the types of publications that body produces. Also, because Congress debated more than just the Civil War during the early 1860s, one must also have a strategy for finding specific information about the war.
- Go to the Proquest Congressional database
- Select "Hearings"
- Enter a keyword from the committee name or a topic
- Set the date range to include only 1861-1865
- If results are not adequate, seek the committee's papers through the National Archives.
Senate Standing Committees
From December 2, 1861 to March 4, 1865 (unless stated otherwise)
Senate Select Committees of the 37th Congress
Senate Select Committees of the 38th Congress
House Standing Committees
From December 2, 1861 to March 4, 1865 (unless stated otherwise)
House Select Committees of the 37th Congress
House Select Committees of the 38th Congress
Joint Standing Committees
From December 2, 1861 to March 4, 1865 (unless stated otherwise)