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Database Search Alerts: R

R List

Race Relations Abstracts

  1. Start a search
  2. Click on "Search History" at the top under the search box
  3. Click on "Save Searches/Alerts"
  4. Create an account or sign into your existing account (Important: DO NOT uncheck the "Load Preferences from my EBSCOhost" checkbox)
  5. After the account is created, it will go back to the previous screen, but with your personalized information
  6. Fill in the requested information and check "Alerts"
  7. The screen will expand. Fill in more required information and click "Save"
  8. On the new screen click "Continue"
  9. The alerts should be complete

Reader's Guide Retrospective 1890-1982

  1. Enter your search terms and options in either the basic search screen or the advanced search screen, and click the Start button
  2. Click on the "Create Alert" link or "RSS Feed" link that will appear just above the search results
  3. You will need to enter in your email address and list how often you would like to receive the alerts. You do not need to create a "My Wilson Web account" but it is recommended that you do so to help better manage your alerts

Alternative Method:

  1. After running searches you can click on the search history tab at the top of the screen
  2. From this page you can view the searches you have run and create alerts for specific searches

      For the Quick Search option:
    1. On the screen where you enter your search terms and search options, look to the top right part of the screen for the option to add to "Alerts by search criteria"
    2. Check that box and enter your email address in the text box that appears below the checked box
    3. Click the Search button. The search results screen should confirm your new alert in small red text


    NOTE: within any search result screen, you can select the check box next to a company name and click on the "Add Alerts" link at the top of the screen to add a Company alert. A small screen will appear where you enter your email address.
    For the Advanced Search option, database alerts are not available although it does allow you to save those searches.

R List

Regional Business News

  1. Start a search
  2. Click on "Search History" at the top under the search box
  3. Click on "Save Searches/Alerts"
  4. Create an account or sign into your existing account (Important:  DO NOT uncheck the "Load my Preferences from Ebscohost)
  5. After the account is created, it will go back to the previous screen, but with your personalized information
  6. Fill in the requested information and check "Alerts"
  7. The screen will expand.  Fill in more required information and click "Save"
  8. On the new screen click "Continue"
  9. The alerts should be complete.


Search alerts not available.

Radiation Emergency Medical Managament

Search alerts not available.


  1. Start a search
  2. Click on "Search History" at the top under the search box
  3. Click on "Save Searches/Alerts"
  4. Create an account or sign into your existing account (Important: DO NOT uncheck the "Load Preferences from my EBSCOhost" checkbox)
  5. After the account is created, it will go back to the previous screen, but with your personalized information
  6. Fill in the requested information and check "Alerts"
  7. The screen will expand. Fill in more required information and click "Save"
  8. On the new screen click "Continue"
  9. The alerts should be complete

Royal Society of Chemistry Journals

  1. Click on the Alerts tab in the middle of the top toolbar anywhere within the RSC Journals site
  2. A sub menu will appear. Select either Subscribe or RSS Feeds
  3. Follow the instructions on the following screen, which gives you options for alerts for each journal title

RTECS (Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances)

Search alerts not available.


Search alerts not available.