Factiva has ratios for the most recent period only. To access them, you'll have to search on the name of a company within that area, e.g. Amazon to find online retailing industry ratios.
-Click on the "Companies/Markets" link toward the top of the page.
-At the next screen, select "Company Name" in the first box and enter a company name in the search box.
-Select its name from the list of results, then choose "Reports" on left.
-In the dropdown box to the right of "Select a Template" choose "Ratio Comparison Report."
Also includes continuously updated newswires. Date Coverage: Varies Maximum Users: Unlimited Truncation:Truncation: *; Wildcard: ?
License terms restrict access to MU students, faculty, and staff only.
Call Number: REF HF5681.R25 I53, Ready Reference (ask at Circ Desk, next to north doors, for help locating)
The information in this publication is organized by SIC code (see "SIC/NAICS Codes" tab for information on how to find industry codes). The MU Libraries has copies of this publication going back to 1983/84.
Call Number: REF HF5681.R25 T68 Ready Reference (ask at Circ Desk, next to north doors, for help locating)
The information is organized by NAICS code (see "SIC/NAICS Codes" tab for information on how to find industry codes).
The MU Libraries has copies of this publication going back to 1975.